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特 集 歩みを止めないウクライナの医学教育-空襲警報の下で
【巻頭言】 健康の前提条件としての「平和」を希求する
…武田 裕子
特 集 歩みを止めないウクライナの医学教育-空襲警報の下で
特 集 歩みを止めないウクライナの医学教育-空襲警報の下で
特 集 歩みを止めないウクライナの医学教育-空襲警報の下で
特 集 歩みを止めないウクライナの医学教育-空襲警報の下で
特 集 歩みを止めないウクライナの医学教育―空襲警報の下で
短 報 医療系学部教育でのIPE(Inter-professional Education: 多職種連携教育)の実践を通した患者中心の医療の経験
…三好 智子,岩室 雅也,花山 宜久,小川 弘子,小比賀 美香子,名倉 弘哲,大塚 文男
特別企画 J-STAGE ダウンロード数 年間トップ20 (2021年9月~2022年8月) 掲載
…森下 真理子,木村 武司
Bulletin Bord
Digital Spoilers of the Japanese Medical Practice,
Digital Sclerosis of the Japanese Healthcare Institutions
…Seisyou Kou,Tatsuki Abe,Osamu Nomura
(意 見)
…加藤 寿寿華
機関会員のページ 大阪急性期・総合医療センター
Osaka General Medical Center
…岩瀬 和裕
機関会員のページ 桑名市総合医療センター
Kuwana Medical Center
…白石 泰三
機関会員のページ 総合大雄会病院
Daiyukai General Hospital
…高田 基志
機関会員のページ 兵庫県立丹波医療センター
Hyogo Prefectural Tamba Medical Center
…西崎 朗
機関会員のページ 市立ひらかた病院
Hirakata City Hospital
…林 道廣
機関会員のページ 大津赤十字病院
Japanese Red Cross Otsu Hospital
…小川 修
機関会員のページ 宮城厚生協会 坂総合病院
Saka General Hospital
…冨山 陽介
【巻頭言】 健康の前提条件としての「平和」を希求する

武田 裕子*

Ukrainian Medical Education Stays on Track - Under Air Raid Warning
Peace as a Prerequisite for Health

Yuko Takeda*

*順天堂大学大学院医学研究科医学教育学,Department of Medical Education Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine


キーワード:ウクライナの医学教育制度,外部評価,カリキュラム,客観的臨床能力試験(OSCE),STEP- 多肢選択問題テスト,ロシア・ウクライナ戦争

Ukrainian Medical Education Stays on Track - Under Air Raid Warning
Overview of Medical Education in Ukraine

Dmytro Remez*

Also, the majority of doctors trained in Ukraine provide medical assistance worldwide, which is evidence of an outstanding level of medical education in Ukraine. Quite a few students from Asia, the Middle East, and Africa entered medical schools in Ukraine due to inexpensive tuition. The fact that those graduates served in various countries assures the global standard of medical education in Ukraine.
Keywords: Ukrainian medical education system, external evaluation, curriculum, objective structured clinical examination, STEP - assessment, Russian-Ukrainian war.

*Graduate of the Medical Faculty of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine



Ukrainian Medical Education Stays on Track - Under Air Raid Warning
Education of Dentists in Ukraine

Maksym Skrypnyk*

Dentistry is one of the most prestigious medical specialties in Ukraine. It is also a vital part of the Ukrainian healthcare system. The Ukrainian system of dental education has adapted to European and international curricula. Students enroll in the dental faculty of a medical university after graduating from a high school or dental technician program. After completing five years of training in a university, all graduated students receive the title of "Doctor of Dental Medicine". After graduation from the university, to receive permission for clinical practice(license), dental students with a master's degree must complete a "General Dentistry" course. This qualification allows for providing simple dental treatment. To receive permission to deal with complicated cases, dentists should complete the following courses of specialization: prosthetic dentistry, therapeutic dentistry, pediatric dentistry, surgical dentistry, orthodontics, periodontology, and maxillofacial surgery. When the large-scale invasion began in Ukraine, all educational systems quickly collapsed. Some sectors have been partially restored, but all Ukrainian students and university staff expose themselves to danger when working under the constant threat of missile attack. To sum up, the dental education system in Ukraine is oriented on European standards of education and focuses primarily on clinical experience and skills training.
Keyword:dental education, higher education, dental training, Ukraine, war

*Poltava State Medical University



Ukrainian Medical Education Stays on Track - Under Air Raid Warning
Primary Care System and Education in Ukraine from Peaceful Time to War

Tetiana Harashchenko*

Primary care medicine is the first point of contact for a person in the healthcare system when they have a health-related issue that is not an emergency. After the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(USSR), Ukraine gained its independence and started to move into modern primary care system. It was a long road, but now Ukraine has a modern primary care system with electronic medical services, new equipment, and higher salaries for general practitioners. In Ukraine, individual general practitioners have 1,800 to 2,000 patients each and provide medical care in outpatient clinics and also via telemedicine while focusing on patient needs. The war catalyzed the digitalization of primary care and made professional medical care more available for patients from different parts of Ukraine.
Keywords: primary care, Ukraine, health care reform

*SI“Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O.M. Lukyanova, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”


ウクライナでは,一人の人間があらゆる面で成長することが,社会にとっても意味のあることだという考え方に基づいて,教育を提供している.この目標は,医学にとどまらず,あらゆる学問分野で共有されている.ウクライナの教育システムの改革は,ボローニャ協定の合意後に実施されたため,結果としてEUの基準に準拠するものになった.ロシアのウクライナに対する戦争以前は,ウクライナには 14の州立医科大学と5つの私立医科大学があった.これらの医科大学は,あわせて11,177名の教育者を雇用し,そのうち1,816名が教授,7,096名が准教授あるいは助教であった.毎年,医育機関からは,10,200 名の卒業生が医師として研修を開始している.ウクライナの医科大学で学ぶ医学生には,155カ国から来ている38,000名の留学生も含まれている.世界医学教育連盟の基準に則ったウクライナの医師養成の枠組みは,学士号,大学院教育,継続的な専門能力開発の3つのレベルを含む.欧州連合委員会は,教育の質を担保する標準的な認証手続きのために,ECTS(European Union Course Credit Transfer System)を設立した.

Ukrainian Medical Education Stays on Track - Under Air Raid Warning
The Current Status of Medical Education in Ukraine

Olha Troyanovska*

The goal of education in Ukraine is the comprehensive development of the individual because of their value to society. This is evident in all fields of study, including medicine. After adopting the Bologna process, Ukraine reformed its educational system, thus adapting it to the standards of the European Union. Prior to Russiaʼs war on Ukraine, there were 14 state-operated and five privately-operated medical universities in Ukraine. Combined, they employed 11,177 educators, of whom 1,816 were professors and 7,096 were associate or assistant professors. Annually, medical institutions graduate 10,200 doctors. Thirty-eight thousand international students from 155 countries studied at Ukrainian medical universities. The framework for training doctors in Ukraine per the World Federation of Medical Education standards involves three levels of study: an undergraduate degree, postgraduate education, and continuous professional development. ECTS, the European Union Course Credit Transfer System, was developed by the Commission of the European Union in order to provide standard procedures to guarantee academic recognition of international study.
Due to Russiaʼs military invasion of Ukraine, medical education has had to adapt to the war. 43 Ukrainian higher education institutions were damaged by shelling and bombing, and five were destroyed. The experience with Covid-19 helped the education system change rapidly to online learning. The survival of many Ukrainian higher education institutions is currently under threat due to a lack of funding, displaced employees and students, and destroyed infrastructure. In these conditions, strategic partnerships with foreign universities can help them survive. Juntendo University scholarships for Ukrainian doctors, students, and scientists exemplify friendly assistance and partnership in the international medical community. Ukrainian students, doctors, and scientific researchers highly appreciate the opportunity given to them and will continue to work hard for the future of medicine.
Keywords: medical education, Ukraine, university, student, war

*Associate Professor of the Pediatric Department N1 Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine


キーワード:ウクライナ,戦争,医学生,安全,順天堂大学,医学教育, 発展

Ukrainian Medical Education Stays on Track - Under Air Raid Warning
Emergency Bag Came to Tokyo with Me

Oleksandra Riabets*

The phrase "I'm from Ukraine" sounds completely different from last year. However, thinking about the possible number of Ukrainians murdered since February 2022 convinces me that it would be better if the world still does not know where the monument to Shevchenko is located in Kyiv or how far Izyum is from Kharkiv. The medical system and education in Ukraine were strongly affected by the war. You cannot get used to war, no matter how many explosions you have experienced, but you can try to adapt to the conditions and do everything possible to fight for your goals. I am fortunate that, at the moment, I have the opportunity to study with lights and warmth in the safety of Japan. The belief in the need for my knowledge and skills in my country's future development helps me keep the anger and pain under control.
Keywords: Ukraine, war, medical student, safety, Juntendo University, medical education, development

*Bogomolets National Medical University
医療系学部教育でのIPE(Inter-professional Education:多職種連携教育)の実践を通した患者中心の医療の経験

三好 智子*1,2 岩室 雅也*3 花山 宜久*2 小川 弘子*2 小比賀 美香子*2
名倉 弘哲*4 大塚 文男*2

本研究では,医療系学生が小グループの IPE の実践を通して,患者中心のチーム医療を実践したと考えることができたかを検証した.医学科,薬学科,保健学科の臨床実習中の学部学生に対し,小グループで症例基盤型の臨床推論と治療・看護計画立案を行い,IPEに対するアンケートを行った.医学科生は臨床推論と治療計画立案が,薬学科生は治療の副作用対策を提案することが,看護学生は医療チームに必要な情報提供をすることが,医療チームとともに患者中心の医療が実践できたと感じていた.

Experiencing Patient-Centered Medicine through the Practice
of Inter-Professional Education(IPE)in Undergraduate Medical Education

Tomoko Miyoshi*1,2 Masaya Iwamuro*3 Nobuyoshi Hanayama*2
Hiroko Ogawa*2 Mikako Obika*2 Hironori Nakura*4 Fumio Otsuka*2

This study examined whether medical students were able to consider themselves to have practiced patient-centered team medicine through the practice of small group IPE. Undergraduate medical, pharmacy, and nursing students during Clinical Clerkship were asked to complete case-based clinical reasoning and treatment/nursing planning in small groups, and a questionnaire was administered to the IPE. The medical students felt that they were able to practice clinical reasoning and treatment planning, the pharmacy students felt that they were able to propose countermeasures against side effects of treatment, and the nursing students felt that they were able to provide necessary information to the medical team and practice patient-centered medicine with the medical team.
Each department had different objectives they considered when practicing team-based medicine. It is important to incorporate each of these elements in IPE.
Keywords: inter-professional education, undergraduate medical students, patient-centered medicine

*1 岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域くらしき総合診療医学教育講座,Department of General Medicine;Kurashiki Educational Division, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
*2 岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域総合内科学分野,Department of General medicine, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
*3 岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域消化器・肝臓内科学,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
*4 岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域救急災害薬学分野,Department of Emergency Pharmaceutical Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University

森下 真理子*1,2,3 木村 武司*4


*1 京都大学大学院医学研究科,医学教育・国際化推進センター,
Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
*2 京都保健会仁和診療所,Ninna family clinic
*3 名古屋大学大学院医学研究科総合医学教育センター,
Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
*4 名古屋大学医学部附属病院 卒後臨床研修・キャリア形成支援センター,
Center for Postgraduate Clinical Training and Career Development, Nagoya University Hospital
Digital Spoilers of the Japanese Medical Practice,
Digital Sclerosis of the Japanese Healthcare Institutions

Seisyou Kou*1,2 Tatsuki Abe*3 Osamu Nomura*4,5

*1 St. Marianna University, School of Medicine. Department of Internal Medicine,
Division of Cardiology, Kanagawa, Japan
*2 St. Marianna University, School of Medicine. Research Institute for Medical Education, Kanagawa Japan
*3 University of Tokyo, Department of International Cooperation for Medical Education,
International Research Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
*4 Hirosaki University, Department of Health Sciences Education, Aomori, Japan
*5 Hirosaki University, Centre for Community-based Health Professions Education, Aomori, Japan

加藤 寿寿華*

*慶應義塾大学医学部,Keio University School of Medicine
Osaka General Medical Center

岩瀬 和裕(病院長)

Kuwana Medical Center

白石 泰三(副理事長・研修管理委員長)

Daiyukai General Hospital

高田 基志(院長)

Hyogo Prefectural Tamba Medical Center

西崎 朗(院長)

Hirakata City Hospital

林 道廣(病院長)

Japanese Red Cross Otsu Hospital

小川 修(院長)

宮城厚生協会 坂総合病院
Saka General Hospital

冨山 陽介(院長)


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


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一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)