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医学教育各賞 令和四年度 医学教育賞・学会大会各賞 受賞者紹介
医学教育各賞 令和四年度 日野原賞(第十五号)
受賞者 西城 卓也 先生
医学教育各賞 令和四年度 懸田賞(第三十号)
受賞者 今福 輪太郎 先生
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Young Investigator Award)受賞者紹介
Best Young Investigator Award
…長崎 一哉,西﨑 祐史,篠崎 智大,志水 太郎,山本 祐,鋪野 紀好
福井 翔,西口 翔,栗原 健,小林 裕幸,徳田 安春
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Young Investigator Award)受賞者紹介
Young Investigator Award
医学生にとっての他者とのかかわり: 質的・量的分析(特にテキストマイニング)を併用した再解釈
…松本 暢平,朝比奈 真由美,小野寺 みさき,伊藤 彰一
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Young Investigator Award)受賞者紹介
Young Investigator Award
A LINE-based medical escape room to facilitate team skills in English during COVID-19
…Maham Stanyon,及川 沙耶佳,色摩 弥生,諸井 陽子,安田 恵,青木 俊太朗
安井 清孝,Zunyi Tang,川井 巧,中村 光毅,大谷 晃司
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Young Investigator Award)受賞者紹介
Young Investigator Award
学生からの自由記述評価のテキストマイニングでわかった ポストコロナの動画教材・オンライン実習の価値
…望月 圭,鈴木 享,鈴木 喜郎,中陦 克己
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Student Award)受賞者紹介
Best Student Award
…谷口 拓未,井上 理香子,末松 三奈,高橋 徳幸
岡崎 研太郎,大橋 渉,葛谷 雅文,前野 哲博
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Student Award)受賞者紹介
Student Award
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Student Award)受賞者紹介
Student Award
ACLS シミュレーションの評価・フィードバックにおける Virtual Reality(VR)の活用
…加藤 敏明,服部 さくら,坂野 悠凪,川端 日向子,谷口 千尋,井出 優奈
犬飼 悠真,青野 大輔,原 怜史,米谷 充弘,米田 隆,前田 哲生,太田 邦雄
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Student Award)受賞者紹介
Student Award
医学生による教育システム開発 ―
…業天 一生,重森 春花,高木 豊大,高阪 雄也,重永 悠希,高桑 修
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Student Award)受賞者紹介
Student Award
…村瀬 要,大井 海人,大島 尚己,外山 慧,川上 ちひろ
早川 佳穂,西城 卓也,今福 輪太郎
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Student Award)受賞者紹介
Student Award
…和田 遊太,宮良 紋奈,岡崎 研太郎,高橋 徳幸,末松 三奈,葛谷 雅文
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 医学教育アカデミー賞
…大塚 勇輝,副島 佳晃,萩谷 英大
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 医学教育アカデミー賞
…岡崎 研太郎
医学教育各賞 第54回大会 医学教育アカデミー賞
…愛知医科大学病院研修医「卒研.」制作委員会,髙橋 美裕希
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
…武田 裕子
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
1. 医学・医療者教育に求められるSOGIへの配慮
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
2.SOGI に関する基礎知識,国内外の卒前医学教育の状況
…吉田 絵理子
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
…青木 昭子
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
…中西 純,松本 武士
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
…時田 隆成,新田 紗也,矢野 晴美
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
6.卒後研修・CME にじいろドクターズの取り組み
…吉田 絵理子,金久保 祐介,久保田 希,坂井 雄貴,山下 洋充
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
…松本 武士,中西 純,園田 敦子
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
…高屋敷(堀内) 明由美,河野 禎之
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
…武田 詩織
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
…金 弘子
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
…武田 裕子,岡田 綾,川﨑 志保理
特 集 「SOGI(性的指向・性自認)」に配慮できる医療者の育成
原 著 日本の看護系大学におけるInstitutional Research活動・業務の実態
…丹治 史也,南部 泰士,柿崎 真沙子,嶋谷 圭一,西本 大策,黒澤 昌洋
…宍戸 史,豊島 かおる,有川 智博,宮坂 智充,佐々木 雅史
渡部 俊彦,伊藤 邦郎,米澤 章彦,大野 勲,中村 豊
…種村 文孝,森下 真理子,木村 武司
(意 見)
…三好 智子,猪田 宏美,園井 教裕,谷 真規子
…石川 和信
機関会員のページ 一般財団法人 新潟県地域医療推進機構魚沼基幹病院
Uonuma Kikan Hospital
…鈴木 榮一
機関会員のページ 国立病院機構 関門医療センター
National Hospital Organization Kanmon Medical Center
…吉野 茂文
機関会員のページ 広島医療生活協同組合 広島共立病院
Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital
…村田 裕彦
機関会員のページ 公益社団法人京都保健会 京都民医連中央病院
Kyoto Min-iren Chuo Hospital
…松原 為人
機関会員のページ 国立病院機構 長崎医療センター
National Hospital Organization Nagasaki Medical Center
…八橋 弘,長岡 進矢
機関会員のページ 新潟勤労者医療協会 下越病院
Kaetsu Hospital
…山川 良一
機関会員のページ 京都第一赤十字病院
Japanese Red Cross Kyoto Daiichi Hospital
…池田 栄人,福田 亙
第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Young Investigator Award)受賞者紹介
Best Young Investigator Award

長崎 一哉*1 西﨑 祐史*2 篠崎 智大*3 志水 太郎*4 山本 祐*5 鋪野 紀好*6
福井 翔*7 西口 翔*8 栗原 健*9 小林 裕幸*1 徳田 安春*10

How do duty hours affect self-study time among resident physicians in Japan? A nationwide cross-sectional study

第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Young Investigator Award)受賞者紹介
Young Investigator Award
医学生にとっての他者とのかかわり: 質的・量的分析(特にテキストマイニング)を併用した再解釈

〇松本 暢平,朝比奈 真由美,小野寺 みさき,伊藤 彰一

Re-interpretation of involvement with others by qualitative(especially text mining)and quantitative analysis

第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Young Investigator Award)受賞者紹介
Young Investigator Award
A LINE-based medical escape room to facilitate team skills in English during COVID-19

〇Maham Stanyon*1,2,3,及川 沙耶佳*1,色摩 弥生*1,諸井 陽子*1,安田 恵*1,青木 俊太朗*1,安井 清孝*1,Zunyi Tang*1,川井 巧*1,中村 光毅*1,2,大谷 晃司*1

福島県立医科大学・医療人育成・支援センター*1,福島県立医科大学・地域・家庭医療学講座*2,Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Imperial College, London, UK*3
第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Young Investigator Award)受賞者紹介
Young Investigator Award
学生からの自由記述評価のテキストマイニングでわかった ポストコロナの動画教材・オンライン実習の価値

望月 圭,鈴木 享,鈴木 喜郎,中陦 克己

Text Mining of Students' Free-Comments Revealed Post-COVID Value of Video-Based Online Lab Practice

第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Student Award)受賞者紹介
Best Student Award

谷口 拓未*1,井上 理香子*1,末松 三奈*2,高橋 徳幸*2,岡崎 研太郎*2,大橋 渉*3,葛谷 雅文*4,前野 哲博*5

Investigating the perceptions of career development as the Japanese regional quota medical students and graduates

第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Student Award)受賞者紹介
Student Award

上野 裕生*1,長内 忍*2,田中 友規*3,朝倉 舞実*4,臼井 瑛美*1,川口 菜々子*1,黒田 紳之亮*1,玉越 明日花*1,中村 諒*1,二階堂 龍雅*1,西川 瑛亮*1,野口 航太郎*1,藤原 和美*1,松田 奈々*1,三井 沙耶*4,美馬 明日香*4,渡邊 由桂*1,和田 悠里*1

Trials of prevention in frailty through radio program created by medical student for the elderly in the local community

第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Student Award)受賞者紹介
Student Award
ACLS シミュレーションの評価・フィードバックにおける Virtual Reality(VR)の活用

加藤 敏明*1,服部 さくら*1,坂野 悠凪*1,川端 日向子*6,谷口 千尋*6,井出 優奈*1,犬飼 悠真*1,青野 大輔*2,4,原 怜史*2,米谷 充弘*3,4,米田 隆*4,5,前田 哲生*7,太田 邦雄*2

Utilization of Virtual Reality in evaluation and feedback of ACLS simulation

金沢大学医薬保健学域保健学類看護学専攻*1,金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系医学教育研究センター*2,金沢大学附属病院研修医・専門医総合教育センター*3,金沢大学医薬保健学総合研究科未来型健康増進医学*4,金沢大学融合研究域融合科学系*5, 金沢大学医薬保健学域医学類*6,金沢大学附属病院救急科*7
第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Student Award)受賞者紹介
Student Award
医学生による教育システム開発 ―

業天 一生*1,重森 春花*1,高木 豊大*1,高阪 雄也*1,重永 悠希*1,高桑 修*2

Development of medical education system by medical students:a platform system to build encounter between healthcare learner and local medical institute

第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Student Award)受賞者紹介
Student Award

村瀬 要*1,大井 海人*1,大島 尚己*1,外山 慧*1,川上 ちひろ*2,早川 佳穂*2,西城 卓也*2,今福 輪太郎*2

Medical students' perceptions of learning in online PBL tutorials:A qualitative study

第54回大会 優秀発表賞 (Student Award)受賞者紹介
Student Award

和田 遊太*1,宮良 紋奈*1,岡崎 研太郎*2,高橋 徳幸*2,末松 三奈*2,葛谷 雅文*3

Survey of scientific production of Nagoya University medical students

名古屋大学医学部医学科*1,名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科地域医療教育学講座*2, 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科地域在宅医療学・老年科学*3
第54回大会 医学教育アカデミー賞

大塚 勇輝,副島 佳晃,萩谷 英大

第54回大会 医学教育アカデミー賞

制作:岡崎 研太郎(NPO法人実践的糖尿病教育研究会)

第54回大会 医学教育アカデミー賞

代表:髙橋 美裕希 愛知医科大学病院卒後臨床研修センター


武田 裕子*

SOGI issues need immediate attention in medical education as social determinants of health

Yuko Takeda*

*順天堂大学大学院医学研究科医学教育学,Department of Medical Education,Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine
1. 医学・医療者教育に求められるSOGIへの配慮
1. How Can We Support Students with Various Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity(SOGI)
~Voices of Transgender Medical Students

吉田 絵理子*


2. Basic Knowledge about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity,
and the Status of Undergraduate Medical Education in Japan and Abroad

Eriko Yoshida*

LGBTQ people are less visible in Japan and are exposed to minority stress and health disparities due to societal prejudice and discrimination. It is important for healthcare providers to learn about diverse sexual orientations and gender identities to achieve DE&I, in addition to providing equitable healthcare. In Japan, education on LGBTQ topics in medical schools is poor compared to the U.S. and Canada, and there is an urgent need to train faculty to teach this topic, create educational resources, and develop guidelines for medical education.
Keywords: SOGI(sexual orientation and gender identity), LGBTQ, undergraduate medical education, international comparison

*川崎協同病院総合診療科,一般社団法人にじいろドクターズ, General Medicine Department, Kawasaki Kyodo Hospital, Nijiiro Doctors

青木 昭子*


3. Lectures at Tokyo Medical University

Akiko Aoki*

In 2015, Tokyo Medical University launched Medical Professionalism for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year medical students to study professionalism in a sequential manner. The lecture for the 2nd year students was taught together with a representative of LGBTQ support groups. The lecture for the fourth-year students was taught together with a urologist who was a representative of a transgender support group. In summarizing the reports of the fourth-year students who took the lecture in 2021, many students thought that learning about LGBTQ was necessary from the early grades and wanted a more active learning experience. It is necessary to consider more effective learning by devising class content and methods.
Keywords: Medical student, LGBTQ, professionalism

*東京医科大学八王子医療センターリウマチ性疾患治療センター, Department of rheumatology, Tokyo Medical University Hachioji Medical Center

中西 純*1 松本 武士*2


4. Pilot Education Programs Regarding SOGI for Social Worker Students
and Occupational Therapy Students

Jun Nakanishi*1 Takeshi Matsumoto*2

The number of medical and social work professional training schools that provide SOGI education is quite few. This paper introduces pilot SOGI education programs for social workers and occupational therapists. In order to improve understanding of the situations in which Sexual and Gender Minority(SGM) are placed, SOGI education programs have consisted of knowledge of SGM, health disparities among SGM, majority privilege theory, social justice theory, etc. Educational practices increased and improved the amount of knowledge about SGM, awareness of SGM existence, and the need for more knowledge. The Importance of pre-graduate education of SOGI for the medical and social work students was discussed.
Keywords: social worker, occupational therapist, sexual orientation & gender identity, LGBTQ+, pre-graduate education, social justice

*1 にじいろリハネット,ウィル訪問看護ステーション江戸川, Rainbow Network for Rehabilitation Specialists, WyL Visiting Nurse Station Edogawa
*2 にじいろリハネット,SexGenOTOS,平成医療福祉グループ医療法人社団大和会大内病院, Rainbow Network for Rehabilitation Specialists, International Network on Sexualities and Genders within Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science, Oouchi Hospital

時田 隆成*1 新田 紗也*1 矢野 晴美*2

医学部の臨床実習前の選択授業において,医学生が主体となってLGBTQ+の教育を導入した.授業では学生が講師役を務め,小グループ討論を実施した.共通の学びの場を持つ「学びの共同体」内で,同級生によるPeer-Assisted Learningによってアクティビティを用いた対話が効率よく行われたことで,LGBTQ+への理解を深めることができた.学生が主体となってカリキュラムを導入し,学生自らが講師となる授業形態は,LGTBQ+教育の方略として有用な可能性がある.

5. A Report on Student-led Education about LGBTQ+

Ryusei Tokita*1 Saya Nitta*1 Harumi Yano*2

Medical students took the initiative by introducing LGBTQ+ education in preclinical elective classes at their medical school. As instructors, they led classes focused on small group discussions in a common“learning community”setting. The Peer Assisted Learning between classmates promoted effective discussions in classroom activities, allowing students to deepen their understanding of LGBTQ+. Student-initiated action to introduce new content into the curriculum together with student-led classes may be a useful learning strategy in LGBTQ+ education.
Keywords: sexual minorities, medical education, peer-Assisted Learning, English education

*1 国際医療福祉大学医学部医学科 3年,International University of Health and Welfare
*2 国際医療福祉大学医学部医学教育統括センター・感染症学, Center for Medical Education, International University of Health and Welfare,Department of Infectious Diseases
6.卒後研修・CME にじいろドクターズの取り組み

吉田 絵理子*1,2 金久保 祐介*1,3,4 久保田 希*1,坂井 雄貴*1,5  山下 洋充*1,6

キーワード:SOGI(sexual orientation and gender identity),LGBTQ,卒後医学教育,生涯教育/CME(continuing medical education)

6. Postgraduate Training and CME:Nijiiro Doctors Initiative
– LGBTQ Healthcare Training Course for Physicians

Eriko Yoshida*1,2  Yusuke Kanakubo*1,3,4 Nozomi Kubota*1
Yuki Sakai*1,5 Hiromitsu Yamashita*1,6

Nijiiro Doctors offered a six-month LGBTQ healthcare training course for physicians in their third year of post-graduate studies or above, with the goal of implementing practice at their institutions. In addition to lectures, the course included dialogues with LGBTQ individuals, role-plays in which the LGBTQ individuals played the role of mock patients and reviews in small groups in each session.
Keywords: SOGI(sexual orientation and gender identity), LGBTQ, postgraduate medical training, CEM(continuing medical education)

*1 一般社団法人にじいろドクターズ,Nijiiro Doctors
*2 川崎協同病院 総合診療科,General Internal Medicine, Kawasaki Kyodo Hospital
*3 亀田ファミリークリニック館山,Kameda Family Clinic Tateyama
*4 東京慈恵会医科大学 総合医科学研究センター 臨床疫学研究部
Division of Clinical Epidemiology, Research Center for Medical Sciences, The Jikei University School of Medicine
*5 ほっちのロッヂの診療所,Hotch-no-Lodge Clinic
*6 河北ファミリークリニック南阿佐谷,Kawakita Family Clinic Minamiasagaya

松本 武士*1,2 中西 純*3 園田 敦子*4

にじいろリハネットは,SOGI(Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity:性的指向と性自認)に関心のあるリハビリテーション専門職の有志団体である.SOGIはリハビリテーションにおいて重要であるという共通認識のもと,さまざまな職種・領域のメンバーが集まった.2020年の団体設立以降,文献抄読会,オンライン研修会,養成校での教育など活動を展開してきた.リハビリテーションには全人間的復権という意味があり,さまざまなSOGIを持つ人が「その人らしく生きる」ことに専門職がいかに寄与するかを重視しながら,今後も活動を広げていきたい.

7. Rainbow Network for Rehabilitation Specialists(Nijiiro Rehab Net)

Takeshi Matsumoto*1,2 Jun Nakanishi*3 Atsuko Sonoda*4

Rainbow Network for Rehabilitation Specialists(Niijiro Rehab Net)is a voluntary organization of rehabilitation professionals interested in SOGI(Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity).
Members from various professions and fields have come together under the common understanding that SOGI is important in rehabilitation. Since its establishment in 2020, journal clubs, online training sessions, and education at schools have been conducted.
"Rehabilitation" means "total restoration of human rights". It is necessary to continue extending our activities, focusing on how professionals could contribute to people with various SOGI conditions so they may "live as they are".
Keywords: rehabilitation, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech-language-hearing therapist, LGBTQ+, sexual orientation & gender identity

*1 にじいろリハネット,Rainbow Network for Rehabilitation Specialists
*2 SexGenOTOS,平成医療福祉グループ医療法人社団大和会大内病院,
International Network on Sexualities and Genders within Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science, Oouchi Hospital
*3 にじいろリハネット,ウィル訪問看護ステーション江戸川,
Rainbow Network for Rehabilitation Specialists, WyL Visiting Nurse Station Edogawa
*4 にじいろリハネット,介護老人保健施設ろうけん宮前,Rainbow Network for Rehabilitation Specialists, Geriatric Health Services Facility Rouken Miyamae


高屋敷(堀内) 明由美*1 河野 禎之*2

キーワード:PRIDE指標,性別情報の扱い,unconscious bias

8. Introduction of Consideration for Students at University of Tsukuba

Ayumi Takayashiki-Horiuchi*1  Yoshiyuki Kawano*2

The University of Tsukuba aims to be a university where all members, not only LGBT but also everyone with diverse personalities, can share their abilities. The Bureau of Human Empowerment plays a central role in student support in line with the Basic Principles and Guidelines on LGBT+ Inclusion at the University of Tsukuba(2020 revision). Students’ gender information is accessible only to those who need it, such as teachers in charge. Faculty and staff are encouraged to handle information carefully. While basic knowledge of LGBT and others is necessary, it is also important to consider all students based on the premise that there are those with diverse personalities who are not LGBT, rather than treating LGBT and other students specially. We shared our opinions with faculty and the faculty development(FD)committee members at FD meetings.
Keywords: PRIDE-Index, attention to handling of gender information, unconscious bias

*1 筑波大学医学医療系地域医療教育学/医学群医学教育企画評価室,Department of Primary Care and Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine/ Division of Planning and Coordination for Medical Education, University of Tsukuba
*2 筑波大学人間系/ヒューマンエンパワーメント推進局, Institute of Human Sciences/ Bureau of Human Empowerment, University of Tsukuba

武田 詩織*1,2


9. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiatives Regarding Sexual Orientation
and Gender Identity at Canada’s McGill University

Shiori Takeda*1,2

This paper introduces the initiatives taken by McGill University, one of Canada’s leading universities, towards equity, diversity, and inclusion(EDI)to ensure a safe space for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities(SOGI).
Keywords: SOGI, EDI, Gender, Inclusivity, McGill University

*1 早稲田大学国際教養学部2年,Waseda University School of International Liberal Studies
*2 マギル大学教養学部交換留学プログラム,McGill University Faculty of Arts Student Exchange Program

金 弘子*


10. LGBTQ-friendly Healthcare Provider
-friendly healthcare providers’ project for creating a more inclusive hospital-

Hongja Kim*

In October 2020, we started the "Marutto Inclusive Hospital Implementation Project" with volunteers. The purpose of the project is to create a medical institution where "everyone can feel at ease.” Currently, the main activity of the project is to make visible what medical institutions can do as SOGI-conscious healthcare providers. This paper describes the contents of the "Implementation Support Tool," a resource to support such efforts, the results of its use, and specific actions. We hope that this report will serve as a catalyst for healthcare professionals working in busy clinical settings to begin SOGI-conscious initiatives, and to make their medical institutions LGBTQs-friendly and safe.
Keywords: sexual and gender minorities, vulnerable populations, clinical competence, delivery of health care, outpatient clinic, reception desk

*鳥取大学医学部社会医学講座環境予防医学分野,Division of Environmental and Preventive Medicine, Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University

武田 裕子*1 岡田 綾*2 川﨑 志保理*3


11. Diversity is Strength: Creating a Safer Environment at Juntendo University Hospital

Yuko Takeda*1 Aya Okada*2 Shiori Kawasaki*3

Juntendo University Hospital(1051 beds)set up a working group focusing on SOGI(sexual orientation and gender identity)in May 2021. To date, more than 300 staff members play a rale as ally members in rarious hospital departments  to promote a safer environment for patients of all SOGI. This initiative has been spreading to the medical school and other parts of the university to ensure a safer space for everyone. Providing hospital staff opportunities to meet with LGBTQs people in person at a SOGI seminar seems to bring a transformative impact on the participants.
Understanding a patient’s background is imperative to provide better care for any patient. This article illustrates how we facilitate the process of enabling hospital staff to support patients with various SOGI.
Keywords: SOGI, university hospital, Juntendo University

*1 順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 医学教育学,Department of Medical Education,Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine
*2 順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院 看護部,Department of Nursing,Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine
*3 順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院 医療安全推進部,Center for Patient Safety,Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine




12.Invitation for the journey to the world of togetherness

Anonymous(38 years-old consultant)

This article is an account of a trans individual to share with the audience that transgender people are not a myth but ordinary humans living in Japan.I illustrated the real emotions and challenges a transgender person faces in a society that lacks sufficient understanding and support,including adequate legal and healthcare systems.I also want to tell readers what "coming out" and "transitions" mean to those who have had to hide their sexuality from a very young age,even from their parents.
Our society has been changing.However,there is still a number of enormous barriers in healthcare for someone who underwent gender-affirming therapy and finally started to live as their true self.I sincerely hope medical educators training future health professionals will recognize the hardships to improve the situations.
Keywords: transgender, gender transition, gender affirmation, gender-reassignment surgery, coming out, health disparity

日本の看護系大学におけるInstitutional Research活動・業務の実態

丹治 史也*1 南部 泰士*2 柿崎 真沙子*3 嶋谷 圭一*4 西本 大策*5 黒澤 昌洋*6

キーワード:Institutional Research,看護系大学,看護学部,実態

Actual Conditions for Institutional Research Activities and Operations
in Japanese Nursing Universities

Fumiya Tanji*1 Hirohito Nanbu*2 Masako Kakizaki*3 Keiichi Shimatani*4
Daisaku Nishimoto*5 Masahiro Kurosawa*6

Introduction: This study aims to examine the actual conditions of Institutional Research(IR)activities and operations and explore the differences between the items analyzed by the IR organization and those that nursing faculty members would like to compare with other Japanese nursing universities.
Method: We conducted a questionnaire survey among 48 nursing universities in Japan(424 instructors)in December 2020.
Results: Of the total 116 participants, the number of participants who responded to being aware of both the name and role of IR and having an IR organization in their universities was 51(44.0%)and 82(70.7%), respectively. Teaching-related items ranked high in both the items analyzed by the IR organization and those that nursing faculty members would like to compare with other nursing universities. For the survey of admission applicants and graduates, the degree of the desire to be compared with other nursing universities was higher than that of being analyzed by the IR organization(p<0.05).
Discussion: Although a greater number of IR organizations are being established, awareness of these remains low within Japanese nursing universities. Additionally, there are differences between the items analyzed by the IR organization and those that nursing faculty members would like to compare with other Japanese nursing universities. Therefore, the goal is to achieve a common understanding of IR activities and operations at each nursing university.
Keywords: institutional research, nursing university, nursing, actual condition

*1 日本赤十字秋田看護大学看護学部,Faculty of Nursing, Japanese Red Cross Akita College of Nursing
*2 東京医療保健大学和歌山看護学部,Wakayama Faculty of Nursing, Tokyo Healthcare University
*3 名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科,Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Science
*4 千葉大学予防医学センター,Center for Preventive Medical Sciences, Chiba University
*5 鹿児島大学医学部保健学科看護学専攻,Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University
*6 愛知医科大学看護学部,Aichi Medical University College of Nursing

宍戸 史*1 豊島 かおる*1 有川 智博*1 宮坂 智充*1 佐々木 雅史*1
渡部 俊彦*2 伊藤 邦郎*2 米澤 章彦*2 大野 勲*1 中村 豊*1


Practical Report of the First-Year Experience Medical Students Using ICT: Trial of Online Disability Simulations

Fumi Shishido*1 Kaoru Toshima*1 Tomohiro Arikawa*1
Tomomitsu Miyasaka*1 Masashi Sasaki*1 Toshihiko Watanabe*2
Kunio Itoh*2 Akihiko Yonezawa*2 Isao Ohno*1 Yutaka Nakamura*1

Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan, offers “Early Exposure to Medical Practice” in the first semester for first-year medical students to learn about patient-centered care as well as the real-world conditions and issues faced in community medical practice. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic during the past two years, we planned and implemented online training, including some disability simulations, which mostly aimed to prevent the spread of infection. The students who completed these training courses reported that the online training had certain advantages over hands-on training;the two activities implemented were not only effective in preventing infection but also had other benefits that only an online environment could provide. Herein, we report the results and some of the merits of these practices in 2021.
Keywords: ICT, first-year experience, online classes, disability simulations

*1 東北医科薬科大学医学部医学教育推進センター,
Center for Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University
*2 東北医科薬科大学薬学部薬学教育センター,Pharmaceutical education Center, Faculty of Pharmaceutical sciences, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University

種村 文孝*1,2 森下 真理子*1,2,3 木村 武司*2,4

「第1章 現代スピリチュアリティ文化の歴史と現在-対抗文化から主流文化へ-」
伊藤雅之 明石書店 2021年

*1 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,
Medical Education Center. Graduate School of Medicine.Kyoto University
*2 名古屋大学大学院医学研究科総合医学教育センター.
Center for Medical Education. Graduate School of Medicine.Nagoya University
*3 京都保健会仁和診療所,Ninna family clinic
*4 名古屋大学医学部附属病院卒後臨床研修・キャリア形成支援センター,
Center for Postgraduate Clinical Training and Career Development. Nagoya University Hospital

三好 智子*1 猪田 宏美*2 園井 教裕*3 谷 真規子*4

*1 岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域総合内科学くらしき総合診療医学教育講座,Department of General Medicine;Kurashiki Educational Division, Academic Field of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
*2 岡山大学病院薬剤部,Department of Pharmacy, Okayama University Hospital
*3 岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域医療教育センター,Center for Education in Medicine and Health Sciences, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
*4 岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域麻酔・蘇生学,Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitology, Graduate School of Medicine Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University

石川 和信*1,2

*1 特定医療法人舟山病院総合内科,Department of General Internal Medicine, Funayama Hospital
*2 福島学院大学福祉心理学科,Fukushima College for Sincerity
一般財団法人 新潟県地域医療推進機構魚沼基幹病院
Uonuma Kikan Hospital

鈴木 榮一(病院長)

国立病院機構 関門医療センター
National Hospital Organization Kanmon Medical Center

吉野 茂文(特命副院長・統括診療部長)

広島医療生活協同組合 広島共立病院
Hiroshima Kyoritsu Hospital

村田 裕彦(院長)

公益社団法人京都保健会 京都民医連中央病院
Kyoto Min-iren Chuo Hospital

松原 為人(院長)

国立病院機構 長崎医療センター
National Hospital Organization Nagasaki Medical Center

八橋 弘(院長)
長岡 進矢(教育研修管理運営部長)

新潟勤労者医療協会 下越病院
Kaetsu Hospital

山川 良一(院長)

Japanese Red Cross Kyoto Daiichi Hospital

池田 栄人(院長)
福田 亙(副院長)


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


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