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特 集 苦悩する患者と向き合うための医療者教育はどう実現するか?
…土屋 静馬,恒藤 暁,三好 智子
特 集 苦悩する患者と向き合うための医療者教育はどう実現するか?
2.“マインドフルネス”は医療者教育で どう活かされうるのか?
…土屋 静馬,恒藤 暁,三好 智子
特 集 苦悩する患者と向き合うための医療者教育はどう実現するか?
3.Whole Person Care教育の目的と方法
…土屋 静馬,恒藤 暁,三好 智子
特 集 苦悩する患者と向き合うための医療者教育はどう実現するか?
…土屋 静馬,恒藤 暁,三好 智子
特 集 苦悩する患者と向き合うための医療者教育はどう実現するか?
…土屋 静馬,恒藤 暁,三好 智子
書 評 『Whole Person Care教育編―マインドフルネスにある深い気付きと臨床的調和』
…武田 裕子
短 報 初年次医学生の入学後早期におけるメタ認知と精神的健康の関連について
…野呂 幾久子,鈴木 英明,石川 純子
…前田 佳孝
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
フェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第16回
…小比賀 美香子
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第16回
16-1 哲学対話とプロフェッショナリズム教育
…小比賀 美香子
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第16回
16-2 インプロ(即興演劇)を用いた医学教育
…岡崎 研太郎
…木村 武司,錦織 宏
(テーマ : 医学シミュレーション教育のSDGsを求めて)
…羽場 政法
1.マギル大学医学部のカリキュラム開発の歴史と “Healer(癒し人)”の役割を担う医療者の育成

土屋 静馬*1 恒藤 暁*2 三好 智子*3

キーワード:カリキュラム開発,プロフェッショナリズム教育,Healing curriculum(“癒し人”のためのカリキュラム), Whole Person Care教育

1. History of Curriculum Development at McGill University Faculty of Medicine and Training Medical Professionals for the Role of“Healer”

Shizuma Tsuchiya*1 Satoru Tsuneto*2 Tomoko Miyoshi*3

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at McGill University in Canada there has always been an exploration of effective curriculum development that adapts to new eras and aims to encourage medical students to understand how to enhance patients’ well-being. In particular, the current MDCM curriculum, which launched in 2013, offers impressive programs at a conceptual level and at a curricular level. These programs explicate to students two roles for physicians who wish to place their patient’s wellbeing at the center of their work: professional and healing. This article introduces the history of curriculum development in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at McGill University and explores how universities in Japan can develop healing curricula in each context.
Keywords: curriculum development,professionalism,healing curriculum,whole person care education

*1 昭和大学医学教育学講座,Department of Medical Education, Showa University School of Medicine
*2 京都大学医学部附属病院緩和医療科,Department of Palliative Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital
*3 岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域(医)くらしき総合診療医学教育講座,Department of General Medicine; Kurashiki Educational Division, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University

2.“マインドフルネス”は医療者教育で どう活かされうるのか?

土屋 静馬*1 恒藤 暁*2 三好 智子*3


2. How can We Establish Mindfulness Education for Future Healthcare Professions?
―World Trends in Education of Medical Professionals Exploiting Mindfulness―

Shizuma Tsuchiya*1 Satoru Tsuneto*2 Tomoko Miyoshi*3

Mindfulness can be defined as awareness of physical and psychological processes in a nonjudgmental way. The purpose of adapting the ideas of mindfulness in health professions education is twofold. First, mindfulness education can develop stress management skills and self-care ability. Consequently, it can promote personal and professional identity formation. Second, mindfulness education can urge future healthcare professionals to improve the quality of patient care. Thus, this article will present practical reports from three medical schools that introduced mindfulness education for developing stress management skills and improving patient care and then discuss how universities can establish mindfulness education for future healthcare professions.
Keywords: mindfulness in health professions education,  quality of patient care, stress reduction, science and art in medicine

*1 昭和大学医学教育学講座,Department of Medical Education, Showa University School of Medicine
*2 京都大学医学部附属病院緩和医療科,Department of Palliative Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital
*3 岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域(医)くらしき総合診療医学教育講座,Department of General Medicine; Kurashiki Educational Division, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
3.Whole Person Care教育の目的と方法

土屋 静馬*1 恒藤 暁*2 三好 智子*3

マギル大学でのWhole Person Care教育では,癒しを促進する全人(whole person)として関わり,より良い医療を患者に提供できる有能かつ思いやりに溢れる医師を育成することを目的としている.その教育は全4年間のカリキュラムにおいて段階的に行われている.授業,小グループ(20人)による体験学修,シミュレーション教育,パネル討論会などが実施されている.様々な演習やワークを通して双方向性のユニークな体験学修を促進しており,変容的学修を目指している.今この瞬間の現実(自分,相手,状況)に気づきを向けながら,自分自身のあり方を見直し,全人として存在する態度を身につけることが肝要である.

3. Educational Objectives and Methods of Whole Person Care

Shizuma Tsuchiya*1 Satoru Tsuneto*2 Tomoko Miyoshi*3

Whole Person Care education at McGill University aims to develop competent and compassionate physicians who can relate as a whole person to facilitate healing and provide better medical care to their patients. A step-by-step approach is adopted for the education throughout the four-year curriculum. It includes classes, experiential learning in small groups(20 students), simulation education, and panel discussions. It promotes interactive and unique experiential learning through a variety of exercises and works, and aims at transformational learning. It is essential to develop an attitude of being as a whole person, learning to be mindful and aware of the present moment(self, other and context).
Keywords: two snakes, curriculum, experiential learning, transformational learning, debriefing

*1 昭和大学医学教育学講座,Department of Medical Education, Showa University School of Medicine
*2 京都大学医学部附属病院緩和医療科,Department of Palliative Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital
*3 岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域(医)くらしき総合診療医学教育講座,Department of General Medicine; Kurashiki Educational Division, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University

土屋 静馬*1 恒藤 暁*2 三好 智子*3

マギル大学のWhole Person Care教育は,コア・カリキュラムとして実践されている.その中核である「マインドフルネスにある臨床実践コース」では,学生が「何も知らない」状態から「知っている」状態へ,そして「実感する」体験を提供し,それを「実践する」優れた医師を育成することを目標にしている.このコースにおいてコア・コンセプトであるマインドフルネスにある深い気づきと臨床的調和を概説した.その教育は様々な演習やワークを通して学生が体験学修できるように構成されている.日々の生活で身体感覚,思考,感情に気づきを深め,コミュニケーションの態度を自覚しながら,学生がWhole Person Careを実践できるように取り組まれている.

4. Cultivating Mindful Awareness and Clinical Congruence

Shizuma Tsuchiya*1 Satoru Tsuneto*2 Tomoko Miyoshi*3

Whole Person Care is educated for medical students as the core curriculum at McGill University. The core of Mindful Medical Practice Course aims to provide students with the experience of moving from „not knowing„ to „knowing„ and „realizing„to cultivate excellent clinicians who „actualize it.„We outline mindful awareness and clinical congruence as the core concepts of the course. Students learn it through a variety of exercises and works. They will deepen their awareness of physical sensations, thoughts and emotions in daily life and practice Whole Person Care with congruence stance.
Keywords: awareness practice, communication stances, clinical congruence, iceberg metaphor

*1 昭和大学医学教育学講座,Department of Medical Education, Showa University School of Medicine
*2 京都大学医学部附属病院緩和医療科,Department of Palliative Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital
*3 岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域(医)くらしき総合診療医学教育講座,Department of General Medicine; Kurashiki Educational Division, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University

土屋 静馬*1 恒藤 暁*2 三好 智子*3

緩和ケアの対象が広がり,「Serious Illness」を持つ患者に対して,治癒の有無にかかわらず緩和ケアを提供することが強調されるようになった.がん以外にも,心不全,呼吸不全,脳血管障害などの患者の苦悩に向き合うことになったが,その治療医は苦悩への向き合い方も,苦悩への応答の方法も,手探りの状況である.Whole Person Careはマインドフルネスを通じて,自分自身を調えていくことにより,苦悩する患者と向き合うことが可能になるための体系的な教育プログラムである.本稿では,「患者の苦悩への応答」の概要を説明する.

5. How Should They Respond to the Suffering of Patients with Illnesses That They Themselves Have Not Experienced?

Shizuma Tsuchiya*1 Satoru Tsuneto*2 Tomoko Miyoshi*3

Physicians are expected to listen and respond to their suffering patients. But how should they respond to the suffering of patients with illnesses that they themselves have not experienced?
The scope of palliative care has expanded to emphasize the provision of palliative care to patients with“SERIOUS ILLNESS,”regardless of whether or not they are cured. In addition to cancer, physicians have had to deal with the suffering of patients with heart failure, respiratory failure, cerebrovascular disease, etc., but their treating physicians are still clueless about how to face their suffering and how to respond to their suffering. Whole Person Care is a systematic educational program to enable people to face their suffering patients by helping them to adjust to their own condition. This paper provides an overview of "Responding to Patient Suffering".
Keywords: response to suffering of patients, healer, empathy, professionalism

*1 昭和大学医学教育学講座,Department of Medical Education, Showa University School of Medicine
*2 京都大学医学部附属病院緩和医療科,Department of Palliative Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital
*3 岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域(医)くらしき総合診療医学教育講座,Department of General Medicine; Kurashiki Educational Division, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
『Whole Person Care教育編―マインドフルネスにある深い気付きと臨床的調和』

武田 裕子*

スティーブン・リーベン トム・A・ハッチンソン共著
【監訳】恒藤 暁
【訳】土屋静馬,三好智子 2022年(三輪書店)

MD Aware:A Mindful Medical Practice Course Guide

Yuko Takeda*

*順天堂大学大学院医学研究科医学教育学,Department of Medical Education,Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine

野呂 幾久子*1 鈴木 英明*2 石川 純子*3


The Relation between Metacognition and Mental Health Status among First-Year Medical Students at Several Months after Admission -The Result of the Questionnaire Survey at A University-

Ikuko Noro*1 Hideaki Suzuki*2 Junko Ishikawa*3

Background / Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between metacognition and mental health among first-year Japanese medical students at several months after admission.
Method: A questionnaire survey was conducted on first-year medical students at a private medical university. We used the Adults’ Metacognition Scale to measure metacognition and the Japanese version of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire(GHQ-12)to measure mental health status.
Results: The data from 80 students were analyzed. The total metacognition score and the subscale monitoring score were negatively correlated with the GHQ-12 total score and were significantly different between the poor mental health group and the good mental health group.
Discussion: The results suggest that students in poor mental health status were considered to have weak metacognition, especially monitoring.
Keywords: first-year medical students, metacognition, mental health

*1 東京慈恵会医科大学人間科学教室,The Jikei University School of Medicine, Department of Human Science
*2 東京慈恵会医科大学教育センター,The Jikei University School of Medicine, Center for Medical Education
*3 東京慈恵会医科大学精神看護学領域,The Jikei University School of Medicine, Mental Health/ Psychiatric Nursing


前田 佳孝*1


Practice of Human Factors Training Based on SHEL Model:
Patient Safety Education for First Year Medical Students

Yoshitaka Maeda*1

Introduction: The theory of Human Factors(HF), which designs work and environment according to human characteristics, contributes to patient safety. However, there are not enough reports of systematic educational practices on HF. Our training was designed and practiced using SHEL, an explanatory model of HF.
Methods: Ten training sessions were conducted on the components of SHEL, including Software: manual design, Hardware: user-friendly medical device design, Environment: work environment design, Liveware(self): human characteristics, and Liveware(others): teamwork.
Reflection: The HF training using SHEL may lead to acquiring procedural knowledge of patient safety management, and to better understanding of HF by students. In addition, focusing on daily errors is expected to increase students’ learning motivation.
Keywords: patient safety education, SHEL model, human factors training

*1 自治医科大学 メディカルシミュレーションセンター,Medical Simulation Center, Jichi Medical University
フェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第16回

小比賀 美香子*

 「医学はサイエンスに基礎づけられたアートである」と言われるが,日本の医学教育において,サイエンス分野の教育に比べ,アート分野の教育は十分に実践されていない.米国の医学生を対象に行った調査では,文学,音楽,演劇,ビジュアルアートなどの人文学に接している医学生は,共感性,感情評価,自己効力感が良好であった1).欧米を中心に実践されているMedical humanities(医療人文学)教育は,非人間的な医療実践,医学生や医療者の非人間化を克服するための,人文学科目による価値教育であり,人間性,利他主義などの医師のプロフェッショナリズムの涵養にもつながる.本稿では,国内の医学におけるアート分野の教育のうち,人文学とアートを使ったプロフェッショナリズム教育の実践例として,「哲学対話」と「インプロ(即興演劇)」を取り上げる.

16. Using Humanities and Art to Teach Medical Professionalism

Mikako Obika*

It is said that“medicine is an art based on science,”but education in the art is not well practiced in medical education in Japan compared to education in the science. In a survey of medical students in the U.S., medical students who were exposed to literature, music, theater, visual arts, and other humanities had better empathy, emotional evaluation, and self-efficacy1). Medical humanities education, which is practiced mainly in Europe and the United States, is value education with humanities subjects to overcome dehumanizing medical practices, medical students and medical professionals, and to cultivate professionalism in physicians, such as humanity and altruism. This article focuses on“philosophical dialogue”and“improv”as practical examples of arts education in medicine in Japan that use the humanities and the arts to teach professionalism.
Keywords: art, medical humanities, medical professionalism

*岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域総合内科学,Department of General Medicine, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
1) Mangione S, Chakraborti C, Staltari G et al. Medical Students’ Exposure to the Humanities Correlates with Positive Personal Qualities and Reduced Burnout: A Multi-Institutional U.S. Survey. J Gen Intern Med 2018: 33; 628-34.

プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第16回
16-1 哲学対話とプロフェッショナリズム教育

小比賀 美香子*

Philosophical Dialogue and Medical Professionalism Education

Mikako Obika*

*岡山大学学術研究院医歯薬学域総合内科学,Department of General Medicine, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第16回
16-2 インプロ(即興演劇)を用いた医学教育

岡崎 研太郎*

Improv in Medial Education

Kentaro Okazaki*

*九州大学大学院医学研究院地域医療教育ユニット,Community medicine education unit, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyushu University

木村 武司*1 錦織 宏*2,3

『学問としての教育学』 「第1章 教育学の根本問題」より
苫野一徳/著 日本評論社 2022年

*1 京都大学医学部附属病院 総合臨床教育・研修センター,Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
*2 名古屋大学大学院医学研究科総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
*3 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
(テーマ : 医学シミュレーション教育のSDGsを求めて)

ひだか病院麻酔科 羽場 政法



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