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特 集 医師国家試験へのコンピュータ制の導入の検討
…伴 信太郎,鈴木 康之
特 集 医師国家試験へのコンピュータ制導入の検討
…久保 沙織
特 集 医師国家試験へのコンピュータ制の導入の検討
…松山 泰,岡崎 仁昭,淺田 義和
特 集 医師国家試験へのコンピュータ制の導入の検討
4.医師国家試験CBTトライアルの実施経験: 主にシステム面の準備と運用から得られた知見
…淺田 義和,岡崎 仁昭,松山 泰
特 集 医師国家試験へのコンピュータ制の導入の検討
5. 21世紀の医療人養成と医師国家試験CBT化
…河北 博文,上田 茂,栗原 博之
招待論文 医師国家試験をもう一度考える―臨床実習後OSCEとの関連から―
…田邊 政裕
招待論文 実践力を育成するパフォーマンス評価
…西岡 加名恵
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第15回
…髙宮 有介
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第15回
15-1 昭和大学におけるセルフケア教育の実例
…髙宮 有介
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第15回
15-2 医学生のセルフケアとしてのマインドフルネス実習:関西医科大学の実践
…西垣 悦代
…及川 沙耶佳,木村 武司,錦織 宏
…横平 政直,星川 広史,坂東 修二,岡田 宏基

伴 信太郎*1 鈴木 康之*2

背景:医師国家試験のCBT(Computer-based testing)化への検討が始まった.

National Medical Licensing Examination(NMLE) in Japan:
Reports from the Committee for Improvement of NMLE and Subsequent Research

Nobutaro Ban*1 Yasuyuki Suzuki*2

Context: As a contribution to this special issue of the journal featuring the computerization of the national medical licensing examination (NMLE), this paper seeks to explore the steps to shift the NMLE toward computer-based testing (CBT).
Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to explore the movement of the NMLE toward CBT over the last 20 years and the merits and demerits of computerizing the NMLE. Methods: To explore the contents of committees’ reports on the improvement of the NMLE, which have been held almost every five years. We also report the results of research we conducted on the computerization of NMLE. The research was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW).
Discussion: The former part of this paper explores the reports by the committees to improve the NMLE from 2011 onward. The latter half of this paper focuses on the result of our research from 2018 to 2020, favoring the computerization of NMLE based on the analysis of the merits and demerits of CBT.
Keywords: national medical licensing examination (NMLE), CBT, IRT

*1 愛知医科大学医学教育センター,中津川市地域総合医療センター,Medical Education Center, Aichi Medical University
*2 岐阜大学医学部医学教育開発研究センター,Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University Faculty of Medicine

久保 沙織*

教育測定学の専門家としての立場から,現状の医師国家試験の問題点を明確にした上で,item response theory (IRT)に基づくcomputer-based testing (CBT)導入の利点と課題について検討した.CBTにより,多様な問題形式を利用することで,構成概念の代表性という側面から測定の妥当性向上に貢献することが期待できる.さらに,IRTの枠組みで等化された項目プールを用いてテストを運用することにより,難易度や測定精度を制御して一定の質を満たす問題セットを継続的に作成し,実施日程や会場,受験者集団が異なる場合でも,共通尺度上のスコアとして表現することが可能となる.一方で,事前の綿密なテスト計画と,大規模な項目プールの構築・維持が最大の課題となる.

Advantages and Challenges of Introducing
Computer-Based Testing Based on Item Response Theory
for the National Medical Licensing Examination

Saori Kubo*

In this paper, from the standpoint of an expert in educational measurement, I clarified the problems of the current National Medical Licensing Examination and discussed the advantages and challenges of introducing computer-based testing (CBT) based on item response theory (IRT). The CBT is expected to contribute to improving the validity of the measurement in terms of construct representation by using a variety of question formats that are not available in the paper-based testing (PBT). In addition, by operating the test using an item pool, including equated items within the IRT framework, it is possible to continuously create tests that meet a certain quality by controlling difficulty and measurement accuracy and to compare scores on the common scale, even when the implementation schedule, implementation site, and examinee groups are different. On the other hand, the biggest challenges are doing detailed test planning in advance and building and maintaining an item pool.
Keywords: national medical licensing examination, computer-based testing, item response theory, item pool, equating

*東北大学高度教養教育・学生支援機構,Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Tohoku University

松山 泰* 岡崎 仁昭* 淺田 義和*


Our Experience in Computer-Based Test Development Using Video and Audio Material

Yasushi Matsuyama* Hitoaki Okazaki* Yoshikazu Asada*

When introducing the computer-based test (CBT) to the National Medical Licensing Examination, it is desirable to introduce question items with video and audio to take advantage of the characteristics of computers and to fill in the gaps between the audiovisual information presented in the exam and in clinical practice.
To this end, it is necessary to collect appropriate video and audio materials and to establish the know-how and human resource development for creating items that make use of these materials.
The authors have been engaged in the development of video/audio-assisted CBT for 12 years. In the Kawakita Group of the Health Labour Sciences Research Grant projects, video/audio-assisted question items were given in the CBT trials for the National Medical Licensing Examination. Also, a manual and workshops for video/audio-assisted CBT have been prepared. Based on these experiences, this paper discusses the merits and challenges of CBT for the National Medical Licensing Exam.
Keywords: computer-based test (CBT), video, audio, summative assessment

*自治医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Jichi Medical University
4.医師国家試験CBTトライアルの実施経験: 主にシステム面の準備と運用から得られた知見

淺田 義和* 岡崎 仁昭* 松山 泰*


Experience in Conducting CBT Trials
for the National Medical Licensing Examination:
Insights Gained from System Preparation and Operation

Yoshikazu Asada* Hitoaki Okazaki* Yasushi Matsuyama*

In recent years, the Committee for the Improvement of the National Medical Licensing Examination has been discussing the possibility of replacing the National Medical Licensing Examination with CBT. The reasons for this include the diversification of the question format using multimedia and other methods and the need to respond to disasters and pandemics. Against this background, the authors are conducting research on CBT implementation for the National Medical Practitioners Examination. In FY2021, we conducted a CBT trial for the National Medical Licensing Examination using an open-source system. The trial was conducted at ten universities across the country, and most examinees were able to take the exam without any major problems. The future implementation of the CBT format for the national medical examinations will simplify the examination preparation system, develop a multiple examination system in preparation for contingencies, and evaluate examinees’ abilities through more diverse question formats.
Keywords: national medical licensing examination, CBT, multimedia

*自治医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Jichi Medical University
5. 21世紀の医療人養成と医師国家試験CBT化

河北 博文*1 上田 茂*2 栗原 博之*3


Training of Medical Personnel in the 21st Century and
CBT National Medical Licensing Examination

Hirobumi Kawakita*1 Shigeru Ueda*2 Hiroyuki Kurihara*3

We are conducting research funded by a grant from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan to create standardized, high-quality medical education content that incorporates video, images, and sound files, to develop a system that can be widely used by everyone from medical students to clinicians, and to create CBT-enabled examination questions for the future CBT National Medical Licensing Examination. The research aims to conduct trial examinations, study issues and measures to deal with them, and make proposals for their implementation.
With regard to the CBT system for the National Medical Licensing Examination, questions incorporating video, images and sound files were prepared based on the scope of the current national examination, and a trial examination was conducted with the cooperation of 10 universities nationwide using the CBT examination system via the internet. The trial was generally conducted smoothly, with smooth playback of videos, etc., and no system problems.
In conducting this research, we believe that it should not be considered as an extension of the previous national examination initiatives for doctors, nor should it be regarded merely as a technological initiative. In addition, as advances in AI-based diagnostic technology and patients’ medical literacy are foreseen to change significantly in 2040, the competence of doctors to cope with these changes will be questioned.
For this reason, it is fundamental to consider medical education content and examination questions for the CBT National Medical Licensing Examination with a view to the ideal image of doctors of the future.
Keywords: medical education content, national medical licensing examination, computer based testing

*1 公益財団法人日本医療機能評価機構理事長
*2 公益財団法人日本医療機能評価機構専務理事
*3 公益財団法人日本医療機能評価機構統括調整役

田邊 政裕*


Reconsider the National Medical Licensing Examination
in Relation to the Post Clinical Clerkship OSCE

Masahiro Tanabe*

In November 2014, a symposium was held by the Japan Society of Medical Education on the theme of the National Medical Licensing Examination. To improve the National Medical Licensing Examination, the post clinical clerkship OSCE was officially implemented from FY2020. Its introduction into the National Medical Licensing Examination will be discussed in the future based on the status of its implementation. The competencies to be assessed are clinical capabilities that can be performed on patients under the “guidance of a supervising physician,” and are suitable for evaluation in the clinical setting where the supervising physician directly observes and evaluates students’ medical practices. In comparison with the OSCE, which evaluates simulated clinical practice, the introduction of the post clinical clerkship OSCE into the National Medical Licensing Examination was discussed.
Keywords: national medical licensing examination, post clinical clerkship OSCE, competency, workplace-based assessment, simulated clinical practice

*千葉大学名誉教授,Professor Emeritus, Chiba University

西岡 加名恵*


Performance Assessment to Develop Practical Competence

Kanae Nishioka*

Performance assessment is a generic term for assessment methods that require the use of knowledge and skills. When incorporating performance assessment, it is important to focus on the “complexity” and “authenticity” of the task. Rubrics as well as checklists are used as assessment criteria. The tasks used in many OSCEs are practical test items, which are suitable for looking at skills and processes elementally. However, to look at the ability to use multiple knowledge and skills comprehensively in realistic situations, complex and authentic performance tasks need to be used. Practical training in the field of practice is a set of performance tasks, and the use of portfolio assessment is effective for their assessment.
Keywords: performance assessment, performance tasks, portfolio assessment, OSCE, practical training

*京都大学大学院教育学研究科,Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第15回

髙宮 有介*


15. Self-care Education for Medical Students

Yusuke Takamiya*

Medical students are troubled by exams, relationships, and future choices, and some students are driven by psychological factors to stay or drop out of school, and in some cases, commit suicide. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020, many students have been stressed and have complained of depressive symptoms. In recent years, self-care has been considered important in reducing stress and preventing burnout in healthcare professionals, and this article focuses on self-care education for medical students.
In the first paper, we introduce a practical example of self-care lectures that have been conducted at Showa University since 2015. In the second paper, we introduce the mindfulness practice that has been used at Kansai Medical University since 2018. Through self-care education, we hope that medical students will become physicians who can overcome stress and who have mastered professionalism.
Keywords: self-care, mindfulness, resilience, stress management

*昭和大学医学部医学教育学講座,Department of medical education, School of medicine, Showa university
注)Makiko Arima, et. al. Factors associated with the mental health status of medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in Japan. BMJ Open 2020
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第15回
15-1 昭和大学におけるセルフケア教育の実例

髙宮 有介*

15. A Practical Example of Self-care Education at Showa University

Yusuke Takamiya*

*昭和大学医学部医学教育学講座,Department of medical education, School of medicine, Showa university
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第15回
15-2 医学生のセルフケアとしてのマインドフルネス実習: 関西医科大学の実践

西垣 悦代*

Mindfulness Practice as Self-care for Medical Students
at Kansai Medical University

Etsuyo Nishigaki*

*関西医科大学医学部,School of medicine, Kansai Medical University

及川 沙耶佳*1 木村 武司*2 錦織 宏*3,4

坂本旬/著 大月書店 2022年

*1 福島県立医科大学医療人育成・支援センター, Center for Medical Education and Career Development, Fukushima Medical University
*2 京都大学医学部附属病院総合臨床教育・研修センター, Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
*3 名古屋大学大学院医学研究科総合医学教育センター, Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
*4 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター, Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University

横平 政直*1 星川 広史*2 坂東 修二*1 岡田 宏基*3

*1 香川大学医学部医学教育学講座,Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
*2 香川大学医学部医学部耳鼻咽喉科学, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
*3 医療法人社団清仁会宇多津病院,Utazu Hospital


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