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特別掲載 第53回 日本医学教育学会大会より
…永井 良三
特 集 医療者教育における多面的・多角的な学習者支援を考える
…西城 卓也,堀田 亮,藤江 里衣子,下井 俊典,清水 郁夫,川上 ちひろ
特 集 医療者教育における多面的・多角的な学習者支援を考える
…藤江 里衣子,川上 ちひろ,堀田 亮,西城 卓也
特 集 医療者教育における多面的・多角的な学習者支援を考える
…堀田 亮,川上 ちひろ,藤江 里衣子,西城 卓也
特 集 医療者教育における多面的・多角的な学習者支援を考える
…川上 ちひろ,堀田 亮,藤江 里衣子,西城 卓也
特 集 医療者教育における多面的・多角的な学習者支援を考える
…下井 俊典,川上 ちひろ,西城 卓也
特 集 医療者教育における多面的・多角的な学習者支援を考える
…清水 郁夫,川上 ちひろ
短 報 医学部留学生が臨床実習時に感じたコミュニケーション上の困難点
…稲田 朋晃,品川 なぎさ,吉田 素文
短 報 専門研修プログラム整備基準に記述された専攻医の
…橋本 忠幸,小杉 俊介,菊川 誠
短 報 効果的なフィードバックの伝達および省察・行動変容を促す
…三好 智子,大戸 敬之,岡崎 史子,舩越 拓,吉田 暁,芳野 純
今福 輪太郎,川上 ちひろ,早川 佳穂,西城 卓也
…横尾 英孝,熊谷 仁,伊藤 彰一,横手 幸太郎
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第13回
…孫 大輔
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第13回
13-1 映画を使ったプロフェッショナリズム教育
…孫 大輔
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第13回
13-2 プロフェッショナリズムと地域医療の教育における
…井上 和興
書 評 『医師・医学生のための人類学・社会学』
…磯野 真穂
…木村 武司,錦織 宏
…染谷 真紀,松井 智子,錦織 宏,及川 沙耶佳
(意 見)
…福島 哲仁
(意 見)
…大髙 道也
(意 見)
…多中 良栄,山本 有美恵,朝間 結梨,村田 顕也
森 めぐみ,茂里 康,森田 強
(意 見)
…松下 毅彦
(意 見)
東京大学医学部 2021年度 基礎臨床社会医学統合講義 活動報告
…鈴木 暢英,東野 雅潔
(書 評)
…幕内 安弥子,元濱 奈穂子
(書 評)
…駒澤 伸泰
第82回 医学教育セミナーとワークショップ

第53回 日本医学教育学会大会より

自治医科大学 学長 永井 良三


西城 卓也*1 堀田 亮*1,2 藤江 里衣子*3 下井 俊典*4
清水 郁夫*5,6 川上 ちひろ*1


1. Rethinking the Angle of Approaching Learners in Difficulties

Takuya Saiki*1 Ryo Horita*2 Rieko Fujie*3
Toshinori Shimoi*4 Ikuo Shimizu*5,6 Chihiro Kawakami*1

Supporting learners in difficulties is difficult. It is the responsibility of hospitals, universities and other medical education institutions to respond effectively. Traditionally, there has been a bias against focusing on the learner and a tendency to be persuaded by teachers’ beliefs. However, the factors that can lead to learners having difficulties in education include not only the learners but also the educators and the environment. There are also pedagogical, psychological, and cultural approaches to analyzing each factor. In the future, we would like to suggest that a single supporter have more than one perspective. However, because of the context in which supporters are placed, there is a limit to the number of perspectives that can be taken. Therefore, it is hoped that medical education institutions will be able to provide a support system in which multiple supporters, from multiple positions and with multiple perspectives, can ensure a broad perspective.
Keywords: supporting learners, learners in difficulties, online support

*1 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Gifu university, Medical Education Development Center
*2 岐阜大学保健管理センター,Gifu university, Health Administration Center
*3 藤田医科大学医学部医療コミュニケーション,Fujita Health university, School of Medicine, Medical Communication
*4 国際医療福祉大学福岡保健医療学部理学療法学科,International University of Health and Welfare
*5 信州大学医学部附属病院医療安全管理室,Shinshu University Hospital, Safety Management Office
*6 信州大学医学部医学教育研修センター,Shinshu University, Center for Medical Education and Clinical Training


藤江 里衣子*1 川上 ちひろ*2 堀田 亮*2,3 西城 卓也*2


2. Learner Support for Medical Students
Who Are Delay in Learning

Rieko Fujie*1 Chihiro Kawakami*2 Ryo Horita*3 Takuya Saiki*2

In this paper, as support for “students who are showing signs of academic underachievement”, a fictional case of a medical student will be examined from the following three perspectives.
The first is a cognitive/neuropsychological perspective on the possibility of “incongruence between cognitive characteristics and learning strategies” and “higher brain dysfunction”. In support, it is important to identify the the student’s traits and adopt appropriate learning strategies.
The second, from a clinical psychological perspective, discusses the possibility of “depression” due to tasks in “identity development”. Self-understanding and environmental coordination are required for support.
Third, from the perspective of neurodevelopmental syndrome, the possibility of “specific learning disorder” is considered. In this case, too, it is necessary to devise learning strategies that match the student’s traits and provide continuous motivation.
For individualized understanding as already mentioned, interdepartment collaboration is also expected.
Keywords: learner support, learning support, psychology, medical student

*1 藤田医科大学医学部医療コミュニケーション,Fujita Health University, School of Medicine, Medical Communication
*2 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Gifu university, Medical Education Development Center
*3 岐阜大学保健管理センター,Gifu university, Health Administration Cente


堀田 亮*1,2 川上 ちひろ*2 藤江 里衣子*3 西城 卓也*2


3. Learner Support for Medical Students
Who Can’t Communicate Well in Clinical Clerkship

Ryo Horita*1 Chihiro Kawakami*2 Rieko Fujie*3 Takuya Saiki*2

In this paper, as support for “student who is not good at communication”, a fictional case of a pharmaceutical student will be examined from the followingthree perspectives. The first, from a developmental and social psychological perspective, is the possibility of “unlearning or mislearning of communication” and “discrepancy between the actual self, the ideal self, and the ought self.” In support, learning assertion skills can be effective. The second is from a clinical psychological perspective, in terms of “social anxiety disorder” and “narcissism”. In support, pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy will be discussed. Third, from the perspective of neurodevelopmental syndrome, the possibility of “autism spectrum disorder” is considered. In this case, involvement that enhances self-understanding and self-affirmation will be important. Educators and supporters are required to make an accurate assessment of the cause of the difficulty.
Keywords: learner support, communication support, clinical clerkship, pharmacy student

*1 岐阜大学保健管理センター,Gifu university, Health Administration Center
*2 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Gifu university, Medical Education Development Center
*3 藤田医科大学医学部医療コミュニケーション,Fujita Health university, School of Medicine, Medical Communication


川上 ちひろ*1 堀田 亮*1,2 藤江 里衣子*3 西城 卓也*1


4. Understanding and Support of Newly Medical
Professionals Who Cannot Do Their Jobs Well

Chihiro Kawakami*1 Ryo Horita*1,2 Rieko Fujie*3 Takuya Saiki*1

In this paper, in order to understand “newly medical professionals who cannot do their jobs well in clinical practice”, we gave concrete fictitious cases, examined the reasons from three viewpoints, and showed supporting examples for each.
The first is the possibility of “discrepancies between the learner’s personality and the environment” and “difficulties in the learner’s own environment” from the perspective of environmental factors. Also included is the importance of how to match the learner and the environment. The second is the possibility of “bipolar disorder” from the perspective of clinical psychology, which requires consultation with a specialist and specialized therapeutic intervention according to the diagnosis. The third possibility is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder from the perspective of neurodevelopmental disorders. In addition, it is important to improve the work environment, including the surrounding staff.
Keywords: learner support, newly medical staffs, delay to grow, psychology

*1 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Gifu university, Medical Education Development Center
*2 岐阜大学保健管理センター,Gifu university, Health Administration Center
*3 藤田医科大学医学部医療コミュニケーション,Fujita Health university, School of Medicine, Medical Communication


下井 俊典*1 川上 ちひろ*2 西城 卓也*2

保健医療福祉領域の専門職養成課程では,「座学はできるのに実技が苦手」という学習者が少なからず存在する.この「座学はできるのに実技が苦手」だということが,なぜ生じるのかについては,「多重知能理論(Multiple Intelligence Theory)」で説明することが可能である.

5. Why Are You Not Good at Practical Skills
Even Though You Can Study?

Toshinori Shimoi*1 Chihiro Kawakami*2 Takuya Saiki*2

In the healthcare professional training course, we educators occasionally encounter a few learners who “can get grades in the classroom, but are not good at practical skills.” It is possible to explain why this occurs by using “Multiple Intelligence Theory”. According to the theory, we input information while utilizing the three intelligences of visual-spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence in a complex manner. By having a perspective on what kind of cognitive individuality the learners have, we can prepare the scaffolding and appropriate learning opportunities.
Keywords: multiple intelligence theory, motor learning, clumsy

*1 国際医療福祉大学福岡保健医療学部理学療法学科,International University of Health and Welfare
*2 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Gifu university, Medical Education Development Center


清水 郁夫*1,2 川上 ちひろ*3


6. Extrinsic Factors for Learning:
from a Perspective of Patient Safety Education

Ikuo Shimizu*1,2 Chihiro Kawakami*3

The “problems” of the “problem” learner are not only those intrinsic to the learner, but also those extrinsic to the educator and the system. This paper focuses on patient safety education as an example of where these extrinsic problems are manifested.
Patient safety management in the last two decades has been mainly a means to improve the system by analyzing failed incidents in a no-blame manner, but there is also an emphasis on balancing the accountability of the person involved, thus the importance of education is increasing. However, there are barriers to motivating individuals to learn from their failures.
The “problem” in patient safety education may be overcome by assuring psychological safety, giving consideration to motivation based on self-determination theory, and using the Safety-II paradigm to change the viewpoint of failure.
Keywords: patient safety education, psychological safety, no-blame culture, motivation, safety-II paradigm

*1 信州大学医学部附属病院医療安全管理室,Shinshu University Hospital, Safety
Management Office
*2 信州大学医学部医学教育研修センター,Shinshu University, Center for Medical Education and Clinical Training
*3 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Gifu university, Medical Education Development Center


稲田 朋晃*1 品川 なぎさ*2 吉田 素文*3

方法:留学生10名に半構造化インタビューとアンケートを実施し,臨床実習中に感じたコミュニケーション上の困難点を抽出した. 結果:患者とのやり取りでは,高齢者音声の聞き取りの難しさ,方言の難しさ,オノマトペの難しさなどが,医療従事者とのやり取りでは,隠語がわからないこと,専門用語を使って簡潔に話すことの難しさなどが上位に挙がった.

Communication Difficulties International Students
Feel in Practical Training

Tomoaki Inada*1 Nagisa Shinagawa*2 Motofumi Yoshida*3

Background and purpose: With the increase in the number of international medical students, there is an urgent need to develop programs to foster communication skills in Japanese, but the communication problems of international medical students are not clear.
Methods: Semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were conducted with 10 international students to identify communication difficulties during clinical practice.
Results: Regarding communication with patients, the frequently reported difficulties were difficulty in hearing elderly voices, difficulty with dialects, and difficulty with onomatopoeia. As for communication with health care professionals, the top concerns were not being able to understand jargon and difficulty in speaking concisely using technical terms.
Discussion: Language input is a major problem. In educational institutions, they need to listen to a variety of speakers, learn frequent onomatopoeia, and practice oral case reports.
Keywords: clinical training, japanese language education, communication

*1 十文字学園女子大学国際交流センター,International Center, Jumonji University
*2 国際医療福祉大学総合教育センター,Center for Liberal Arts, International University of Health and Welfare
*3 国際医療福祉大学医学部,School of Medicine, International University of Health and Welfare


橋本 忠幸*1 小杉 俊介*2 菊川 誠*3

目的:専門研修プログラム整備基準から,専攻医の指導的役割に関する記述の有無及び内容を明らかにし,現在の課題を考察することを目的とした. 方法:全19領域のプログラム整備基準内の指導に関わる文言を検索・判定し,研究チームで課題を抽出した.
結果:17領域で指導的役割に関する記述が確認できた.ほぼ全てのプログラムで具体的な能力・修得方法に関する言及はなかった. 考察:専攻医に対する具体的な教育能力定義・修得方法は今後の課題である.本邦でも若手指導医養成プログラム開発や展開が必要である.

Cross-sectional Study of the Educational Roles of
Residents in the New Medical Specialty Program

Tadayuki Hashimoto*1 Shunsuke Kosugi*2 Makoto Kikukawa*3

Background: Although there is a growing momentum in Japan to expect residents to play an educational role, the guidelines are still unclear.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics and contents of teaching roles for residents in the new curriculum of each specialty program and uncover current issues. Methods: Two researchers independently searched for and determined the wording related to teaching in the program for all 19 specialties. The research team extracted the relevant issues.
Results: Seventeen of the 19 programs included a statement on educational roles for their residents, but almost all of the programs did not include educational competencies and any specific strategy to achieve it. Discussion: The definition of educational competencies and the development of methods to acquire the competencies are issues for the future. It is necessary to develop and expand programs for the Residents-as-Teachers program in Japan.
Keywords: residents-as-teachers, faculty development, resident doctor, new certification system for specialist medicine

*1 橋本市民病院総合内科,Department of General Internal Medicine, Hashimoto Municipal Hospital
*2 飯塚病院総合診療科,Department of General Internal Medicine, Iizuka Hospital
*3 九州大学大学院医学研究院医学教育学部門,Department of Medical Education, Kyusyu University


三好 智子*1,2 大戸 敬之*1,3 岡崎 史子*1,4 舩越 拓*1,5
吉田 暁*1,6 芳野 純*1,7 今福 輪太郎*8 川上 ちひろ*8
早川 佳穂*8 西城 卓也*8


How to Give Effective Feedback that Encourages Reflection
Using Elements of Coaching:
Introduction and Japanese Translation of the R2C2 Model

Tomoko Miyoshi*1, 2 Takayuki Oto*1, 3 Fumiko Okazaki*1, 4
Hiraku Funakoshi*1, 5 Satoru Yoshida*1, 6 Rintaro Imafuku*8
Chihiro Kawakami*8 Kaho Hayakawa*8 Takuya Saiki*8

To improve resident performance in clinical practice, the R2C2 model was developed for supervisors who need to guide their residents’ reflection. It consists of four stages: Relationship building, exploring Reactions, exploring Content, and Coaching. It has been shown to effectively engage residents in introspective, goal-oriented discussions and in developing a Learning Change Plan with their supervisors. This paper introduces the Japanese translated version of the model and the evidence of its use.

*1 岐阜大学大学院医学系研究科医療者教育学専攻,Gifu University Graduate School of medicine, research Field of Health Professions Education
*2 岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科くらしき総合診療医学教育講座,Department of General Medicine; Kurashiki Educational Division, Okayama University
*3 鹿児島大学病院歯科総合診療部,Department of General Dental Practices, Kagoshima University Hospital
*4 東京慈恵会医科大学教育センター,Center for medical education, The Jikei university school of medicine
*5 東京ベイ・浦安市川医療センター救急集中治療科,Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Tokyobay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center
*6 新潟市民病院救命救急センター,Emergency and Critical Care Medical Center, Niigata City General Hospital
*7 帝京平成大学健康メディカル学部理学療法学科,Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health and Medical Science, Teikyo Heisei University
*8 岐阜大学医学部医学教育開発研究センター,Medical Education Development Center, Gifu University


横尾 英孝*1,2,3 熊谷 仁*2,3 伊藤 彰一*1,2 横手 幸太郎*3


Introduction of Insulin Experiential Learning
for Medical Students during Clinical Clerkship

Hidetaka Yokoh*1, 2, 3 Jin Kumagai*2, 3 Shoichi Ito*1, 2 Koutaro Yokote*3

In treatment of diabetes, insulin therapy is becoming increasingly important. However, it is reported that insulin initiation is often delayed due to psychological resistance in patients and concern about patient education in medical doctors. One of the reasons for this problem is inadequate understanding of medical doctors about actual insulin self-injection and patients’ perspectives. Therefore, we introduced a new learning strategy to learn them effectively. We set student doctors as target learners. The learning strategy is consisted of experiential learning by using insulin injection model, in-patient interview, and small group learning. Our new practice seems to be useful to understand a perception gap between medical professionals and patients.
Keywords: small group learning, clinical training, experiential learning model, patient psychology

*1 千葉大学大学院医学研究院医学教育学,Department of Medical Education, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
*2 千葉大学医学部附属病院総合医療教育研修センター,Health Professional Development Center, Chiba University Hospital
*3 千葉大学医学部附属病院 糖尿病・代謝・内分泌内科,Department of Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology, Chiba University Hospital

プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第13回

孫 大輔*


Cinemeducation and Medical Professionalism Education

Daisuke Son*

Movie is an artistic activity along with literature, music, painting, and theater. If we consider movie as an art form, we can see it not only as a means of presenting a new way of looking at society, but also as a means of recreating a new sense of common experience. Cinemeducation, the use of film in medical education, has a human development function, i.e., it promotes critical thinking and formation of autonomy, and at the same time, it helps to foster professionalism. For example, it teaches altruism, empathy, and ethical reasoning skills. Specific methods of cinemeducation include the use of whole-length films or movie clips to facilitate small group discussions, asking the learners questions that match the educational objectives, and the combination of role-play, lectures and thinking about medical management or treatment plans. One of the challenges of cinemeducation is the selection of teaching materials, such as what kind of movie to choose, whether to show the whole-length films or just a part of it, and which part to choose, as well as the design of the class content to match the learners’ readiness and progress.
Keywords: movies, cinemeducation, medical professionalism, empathy

* 鳥取大学医学部地域医療学講座,Department of Community-based Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University

プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第13回
13-1 映画を使ったプロフェッショナリズム教育

孫 大輔*

Using Movies to Teach Medical Professionalism

Daisuke Son*

* 鳥取大学医学部地域医療学講座,Department of Community-based Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University

プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第13回
13-2 プロフェッショナリズムと地域医療の教育におけるシネメデュケーション

井上 和興*

Cinemeducation in Education of Professionalism
and Community Based Medicine

Kazuoki Inoue*

* 大山町国民健康保険大山診療所/鳥取大学医学部地域医療学講座,


磯野 真穂

飯田淳子・錦織宏:編   定価2,750円(税込)
2021年3月31日発行   ナカニシヤ出版
A5判 288ページ


木村 武司*1 錦織 宏*2, 3

『社会科学の考え方 ―認識論,リサーチ・デザイン,手法―』
(第2章 事例研究より)
野村康/著 名古屋大学出版会 2017年

*1 京都大学医学部附属病院総合臨床教育・研修センター,Integrated Clinical Education Center, Kyoto University Hospital
*2 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
*3 京都大学大学院医学研究科 医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University


染谷 真紀*1 松井 智子*2 錦織 宏*3 及川 沙耶佳*4

*1 京都大学医学部附属病院総合臨床教育・研修センター,Integrated Clinical Education Center, Kyoto University Hospital
*2 浜松医科大学地域家庭医療学講座,Department of Family and Community Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
*3 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
*4 福島県立医科大学医療人育成・支援センター,Center for Medical Education and Career Development, Fukushima Medical University


福島 哲仁*

* 福島県立医科大学医学部衛生学・予防医学講座,Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine


大髙 道也*1, 2, 3, 4

*1 大津医学生会名誉会長,医学博士,産業医,Chairman Emeritus, Otsu Medical Students Association, MD, PhD, OP
*2 一般財団法人日本医薬情報センター(JAPIC),Japan Pharmaceutical Information Center
*3 元 厚生労働技官,Former Technical Official, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, Japan
*4 元 文部教官(島根大学医学部病理学教室),Former Faculty of Education(Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University)


多中 良栄*1 山本 有美恵*1 朝間 結梨*1 村田 顕也*2
森 めぐみ*2 茂里 康*1 森田 強*1

*1 和歌山県立医科大学医学部教養・医学教育大講座,Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Medicine, Wakayama Medical University
*2 和歌山県立医科大学医学部教育研究開発センター,Education Research and Development Center, School of Medicine, Wakayama Medical University


松下 毅彦*

*埼玉医科大学IRセンター,Institutional Research Center, Saitama Medical University

東京大学医学部 2021年度 基礎臨床社会医学統合講義 活動報告

鈴木 暢英* 東野 雅潔*

*東京大学医学部医学科,Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo


幕内 安弥子*1 元濱 奈穂子*2

夏川 草介:著     定価1,650円(税込)
2021年4月発行     小学館

*1 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科総合医学教育学,Department of Medical education, Okasa City University Graduate School of Medicine
*2 東京大学大学院教育学研究科博士課程,The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Education, The Doctoral Program


駒澤 伸泰*

松山 泰:著      定価4,620円(税込)
2021年8月発行     福村出版

*大阪医科薬科大学医学部医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Faculty of Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University

第82回 医学教育セミナーとワークショップ


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


医学教育情報館 MEAL


一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)