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総 説 医療者教育における芸術の活用―新しい教授方法としての意義
…松本 浩司
総 説 障害のある医療系学生と共に学ぶ
…瀬戸山 陽子,川上 ちひろ,青木 昭子,堀田 亮
総 説 フィードバック 定義から近年の議論まで
…木村 武司,錦織 宏
短 報 全国医学部医学科の早期体験実習の実施状況
…菅谷 涼,中村 晃久,松山 泰,小谷 和彦
…川上 ちひろ,道信 良子,早川 佳穂,今福 輪太郎
藤崎 和彦,牛越 博昭,西城 卓也
…佐野 樹,森下 真理子,錦織 宏
招待論文 医療者の“人間性教育”に残されている課題
…土屋 静馬
書 評 『マインドフル・プラクティス 医療を支えるマイドフルネス-ある臨床家の実践』
…岡崎 史子
部会報告 第21期プロフェッショナリズム部会
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第18回
18 自治医科大学におけるProfessional Identity Essayを活用した教育方略
…松山 泰
…山田 直樹,木村 武司
―The Association of Standardized Patient Educators(ASPE)
Standards of Best Practice(SOBP)の日本語翻訳―
…阿部 恵子,井上 千鹿子
(意 見)
…中村 純奈,望月 ちひろ,中村 教泰
(意 見)
ChatGPT時代の医学の学び方 ~その利点と注意点を整理する~
…金田 侑大
(意 見)
53巻1号掲載 掲示板(意見)『「ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス(科研費)」
…柿坂 庸介
第86回医学教育セミナーとワークショップ in富山大学
機関会員のページ 国立病院機構 名古屋医療センター
NHO Nagoya Medical Center
…長谷川 好規
機関会員のページ JA北海道厚生連 帯広厚生病院
JA Obihiro Kosei Hospital
…高橋 亨
機関会員のページ 前橋赤十字病院
Japanese Red Cross Maebashi Hospital
…中野 実
機関会員のページ JA三重厚生連 鈴鹿中央総合病院
JA Suzuka General Hospital
…北村 哲也
機関会員のページ 東京都済生会中央病院
Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital
…足立 智英
機関会員のページ 聖隷浜松病院
Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital
…岡 俊明
機関会員のページ 岩手県立中部病院
Iwate Prefectural Chubu Hospital
…吉田 徹,田村 乾一

松本 浩司*1


The Use of Arts in Health Professions Education:
Applicability as a New Teaching Method

Koji Matsumoto*1

The use of arts in Japanese health professions education has received increasing attention. This paper provides an overview of arts-integrated learning and related concepts, including medical humanities. It also discusses the benefits of using arts as a new teaching method. The benefits include facilitating the understanding of the human condition—such as involvement in medicine and disease—with emotion, including empathy, through case studies and cultivating perspective-taking and critical perspectives. Further, the use of arts helps to encourage learning in diverse contexts for transfer(application)to clinical practice, fostering values regarding medicine, nurturing a research mindset, facilitating an integrative understanding using creative methods, and enabling students to experience the usefulness of arts in medicine.
Keywords: arts, arts integration/art integrated learning, medical humanities, arts-based learning, arts-based research

*1 名古屋学院大学,Nagoya Gakuin University

瀬戸山 陽子*1 川上 ちひろ*2 青木 昭子*3 堀田 亮*4


Discussion Points for Developing Support System for Inclusion
of Healthcare Students with Disabilities

Yoko Setoyama*1 Chihiro Kawakami*2 Akiko Aoki*3 Ryo Horita*4

The number of students with disabilities is increasing in healthcare and other fields. However, support systems have yet to progress, and faculty and staff often find it difficult in the field. About 10% of medical students in the United States report that they have a disability, and reasonable accommodation is provided in didactic, lab, and clinical setting. The government and others have indicated support policies for students with disabilities, and a large-scale survey of healthcare providers with disabilities has been conducted, and the issues have been clarified. This section introduces specific examples of support and reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities overseas. It is thought that the training of students with disabilities and their employment will facilitate diversity among healthcare professionals and improve the quality of healthcare. There is an urgent need to understand the overall picture of healthcare students with disabilities in Japan and to develop support systems for their inclusion.
Keywords: students with disabilities, healthcare students with disabilities, healthcare providers with disabilities, reasonable accommodation, diversity and inclusion

*1 東京医科大学教育IRセンター,Tokyo Medical University, Institutional Research Center
*2 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Gifu University, Medical Education Development Center
*3 東京医科大学八王子医療センター,リウマチ科,Tokyo Medical University, Hachioji Medical Center, Department of Rheumatology
*4 岐阜大学保健管理センター,Gifu University, Health Administration Center
フィードバック 定義から近年の議論まで

木村 武司*1,2 錦織 宏*1,2


Narrative Review of Feedback -From Definition to Recent Discussion

Takeshi Kimura*1,2 Hiroshi Nishigori*1,2

Feedback is an educational activity that occurs in a variety of settings in medical education and has been widely discussed since 2008, when Ridder et al. defined it as "Specific information about the comparison between a trainee's observed performance and a standard, given with the intent to improve the trainee's performance."(Ridder et al., 2008, p.3).Since then, discussions on effective feedback have shifted from a behaviorist, instructor-centered approach to a more multifaceted approach that focuses on relationship and the learner as recipient of feedback, or the learner's potential ability to make use of feedback(self-regulated learning, feedback literacy).
Keywords: feedback, one-minute preceptor model, sandwich feedback, R2C2 model, educational alliance, self-regulated learning, feedback literacy

*1 名古屋大学医学部附属病院卒後臨床研修・キャリア形成支援センター,Center for Postgraduate Clinical Training and Career Development, Nagoya University Hospital
*2 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University

菅谷 涼*1 中村 晃久*1 松山 泰*2 小谷 和彦*1

方法:公開されているシラバスを基に医学科における同実習の有無,実施場所,体験対象(医療者/非医療者)を調べた. 結果:78大学のうち,74大学(95%)で計173科目の実習がみられた.51大学(69%)で学内と学外の実習を組み合わせていた.実施場所と体験対象については,学内実習では81%が医療者体験,学外では47%が非医療者体験,学内外では61%が医療者と非医療者の両体験を主体にしていた.

An Overview of Early Clinical Exposure
for Undergraduate Medical Education in Japan

Ryo Sugaya*1 Akihisa Nakamura*1  Yasushi Matsuyama*2  Kazuhiko Kotani*1

Introduction: Early clinical exposure(ECE)is an educational methodology where medical students are exposed to the clinical settings in the undergraduate curriculum. This study aimed to examine the implementation status of ECE at medical schools in Japan.
Methods: Based on published syllabi, we investigated the existence, location, and subjects(medical/non-medical staffs) of the training programs in medical schools. Results: Of 78 universities, 74(95%)offered a total of 173 ECE practical training courses, and 51(69%)combined on-campus and off-campus ECE training. Regarding the location and subjects, 81% of the on-campus ECE training was for medical personnel, 47% of the off-campus was for non-medical personnel, and 61% of the on- and off-campus was for both medical and non-medical personnel.
Conclusions: More medical universities combined ECEs on-campus and off-campus and did not offer exposure only to medical staffs. The national trend can serve as a reference to discuss the circumstance of ECE and to plan ECE courses in the near future.
Keywords: early clinical exposure, medical education, undergraduate education, professional identity formation

*1 自治医科大学地域医療学センター地域医療学部門,Division of Community and Family Medicine, Center for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University
*2 自治医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Jichi Medical University

川上 ちひろ*1 道信 良子*2 早川 佳穂*1 今福 輪太郎*1
藤崎 和彦*1 牛越 博昭*3 西城 卓也*1


Practical Application of Art-Based Research to First-Year
Medical School Students’ Community-Based Medical Education

Chihiro Kawakami*1 Ryoko Michinobu*2 Kaho Hayakawa*1 Rintaro Imafuku*1
Kazuhiko Fujisaki*1 Hiroaki Ushikoshi*3 Takuya Saiki*1

Undergraduate medical education requires learning in both science and art. We have developed a learning model for use in first-year medical education that applies art-based research, which has been developed in sociology.
This is a method in which medical students themselves conduct research while creating works of art to solve local medical, health, and welfare problems, deepening their learning. They also share their artworks with other students.  The methodology consists of four steps:[I]groundwork,[II]collection of materials,[III]fieldwork and artwork, and[IV]appreciation of interactive artwork.
In the class, students take the initiative by creating works that are full of individuality and assertiveness. This learning model is a relatively new model for medical education through which students can deepen their understanding of the art of medicine.
Keywords: art-based research, photovoice, visual thinking strategies, fieldwork, art

*1 岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター,Gifu University, Medical Education Development Center
*2 福井県立大学看護福祉学部社会福祉学科,Fukui Prefectural University, Faculty of Nursing & Social Welfare Sciences, Department of Social Welfare Science
*3 岐阜大学医学部附属地域医療医学センター,Center for Regional Medicine Gifu University, School of Medicine

佐野 樹*1,2,3 森下 真理子*1,2,4 錦織 宏*1,2


Reflection on Interprofessional Collaboration Based
on Uncomfortable Experiences

Itsuki Sano*1,2,3 Mariko Morishita*1,2,4 Hiroshi Nishigori*1,2

The first author set up a study group with other members in 2014, aiming to improve multidisciplinary collaboration through reflection and discussions on discomfort(“Moyatto”in Japanese)while focusing on group members’ experiences at work. One-hour online sessions were conducted monthly with multidisciplinary professionals from several institutions. We reflected on interprofessional collaboration based on Moyatto. This paper describes the history of the study group’s inception and development, the learning process of each session, and the theory as a framework. It also reports on the practice and changes in our study group, concluding that interprofessional collaboration requires first-order reflection within a same-profession group and second-order reflection among diverse professionals.
Keywords: continuing education, interprofessional education, interprofessional collaboration, reflection

*1 名古屋大学大学院医学研究科総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
*2 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
*3 三重県立こころの医療センター,Mie Prefectural Mental Care Center
*4 京都保健会仁和診療所,Kyoto Hoken Kai, Ninna Family Clinic

土屋 静馬*


Challenges of Teaching Humanities in Health Professions Education:
Classroom Implementation and Educational Effectiveness of 'Mindful Practice

Shizuma Tsuchiya*

The goal of medical education is to nurture healthcare professionals who can provide “excellent care.” However, our current medical education has many challenges to overcome to achieve this goal. The reasons are that deep mutual understanding between patients and healthcare professionals, self-awareness, and understanding of humanity, are all necessary for practicing medicine. However they have not been sufficiently verbalized and utilized in education. For medical education to be useful to healthcare professionals, educators, students, and patients, it is necessary to properly articulate these elements and put them into practice as education. This article introduces the“Mindful Practice”approach implemented at the University of Rochester, and explains how it can be used as material for medical education.
Keywords: professionalism, whole Person Care, mindfulness

*昭和大学医学教育学講座,Department of Medical Education, Showa University School of Medicine
『マインドフル・プラクティス 医療を支えるマイドフルネス-ある臨床家の実践』

岡崎 史子*

【訳】塚原和樹 2023年 (メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル)


*新潟大学医学部医学科医学教育センター,Niigata University School of Medicine, Medical Education Center
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載第18回
18 自治医科大学におけるProfessional Identity Essayを活用した教育方略

松山 泰*

Keganの「構造発達理論」と結び付けて,医師のProfessional Identity Formation(PIF)の発達段階を示したのがKaletらである.また,KaletらはPIFの発達段階を評価するツールとしてProfessional Identity Essay(PIE)を開発した.本稿では自治医科大学の地域医療臨床実習でPIEを使用し,医学生に内在するプロフェッショナリズムと紐付けて現在と未来との自己像を描出することで,臨床実習における担当教員との学びの効果を高める教育方略を紹介する.その目標は,医学生がPIEの記述に基づいてプロフェッショナリズムを意識して自己省察し,自分の将来像と共通点を持つ担当教員のプロフェッショナルらしい学習行動にしっかりと着目するよう,自ら動機付けることである.この省察,学習行動,動機付けはZimmermanが提唱した自己調整学習(self-regulated learning:SRL)の基本要素である.本教育方略は筆者が提唱しているPIF-SRL理論を,実践形態へと落とし込んだものといえる.
Keywords: professional identity essay,professional identity formation,自己調整学習

18 An Educational Strategy Using Professional Identity Essay at Jichi Medical University

Yasushi Matsuyama*

In conjunction with Kegan's Constructive Developmental Theory, Kalet et al. defined the developmental stages of a physician's Professional Identity Formation(PIF). Kalet et al. also developed the Professional Identity Essay(PIE)as a tool to assess the developmental stages of PIF. This paper introduces an educational strategy to enhance the effectiveness of learning with the faculty by using the PIE in community-based clinical clerkship at Jichi Medical University. Students create self-images of the present and future in relation to the professionalism inherent in their mind. The goal is to motivate medical students to reflect sincerely on themselves based on their PIE descriptions and to focus closely on the learning behaviors of the faculty that has something in common with their future images. The reflection, learning behavior, and motivation are the basic elements of self-regulated learning(SRL)proposed by Zimmerman. This educational strategy is a practical application of the PIF-SRL theory proposed by the author.
Keywords: professional identity essay, professional identity formation, self-regulated learning

*自治医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Jichi Medical University

山田 直樹*1,2 木村 武司*2,3

『質的研究法:その理論と方法 -健康・社会科学分野における展開と展望-』
「第13章 質的研究申請書の書き方」

*1 福井大学医学部附属病院救急部,Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Fukui Hospital.
*2 名古屋大学大学院医学研究科総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
*3 名古屋大学医学部附属病院卒後臨床研修・キャリア形成支援センター,Center for Postgraduate Clinical Training and Career Development, Nagoya University Hospital
―The Association of Standardized Patient Educators(ASPE)
Standards of Best Practice(SOBP)の日本語翻訳―

阿部 恵子*1 井上 千鹿子*2

*1 金城学院大学看護学部看護学科基礎看護学, Faculty of Nursing Department of Nursing Basic Nursing, Kinjo Gakuin University
*2 日本医科大学医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Nippon Medical School

中村 純奈* 望月 ちひろ* 中村 教泰*

*山口大学大学院医学系研究科器官解剖学,Graduate School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University
ChatGPT時代の医学の学び方 ~その利点と注意点を整理する~

金田 侑大*

*北海道大学医学部,School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
53巻1号掲載 掲示板(意見)『「ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス(科研費)」

柿坂 庸介*

*東北大学大学院医学系研究科てんかん学分野,Department of Epileptology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan
第86回医学教育セミナーとワークショップ in富山大学
86th Seminar and Workshop of Medical Education
国立病院機構 名古屋医療センター
NHO Nagoya Medical Center

長谷川 好規(院長)

JA北海道厚生連 帯広厚生病院
JA Obihiro Kosei Hospital

高橋 亨(副院長・臨床研修センター長)

Japanese Red Cross Maebashi Hospital

中野 実(院長)

JA三重厚生連 鈴鹿中央総合病院
JA Suzuka General Hospital

北村 哲也(院長)

Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital

足立 智英(臨床研修室長 研修管理委員長)

Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital

岡 俊明(院長)

Iwate Prefectural Chubu Hospital

吉田 徹(病院長)
田村 乾一(副院長)


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


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一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)