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教育実践研究 医療系学士課程における段階的IPE評価のための
…澤田 いずみ,首藤 英里香,中村 充雄,青木 信裕
後藤 葉子,竹田 里江,大日向 輝美
総 論 社会構造の変遷と医師のプロフェッショナリズムの整理
…辻 喜久
招待論文 懸田賞受賞リレー・エッセイ:平成9年度(第2号)
…大滝 純司
委員会報告 プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載6回
6.1 プロフェショナリズムの概念・要素についての講義
…宮田 靖志
委員会報告 プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載6回
6.2 専門職としての医師のあり方の気づきを求めて
…大生 定義
資 料 第46回医学教育者のためのワークショップ
追悼文 森 忠三 先生を偲んで
第76回 医学教育セミナーとワークショップ
第75回医学教育セミナーとワークショップ in 岐阜大学
…鈴木 康之
…木村 武司,錦織 宏
(意 見)
…駒澤 伸泰
(意 見)
An Overview of Admission into Medical School in New Zealand
…Brian, YEOM
(意 見)
…高橋 優三
(意 見)
…山中 修
(意 見)
第50巻・第6号特集「そうだ,医学教育誌に投稿しよう! 投稿虎の巻
…幡生 あすか*
機関会員のページ JA北海道厚生連 遠軽厚生病院
Hokkaido P.W.F.A.C. Engaru-Kosei General Hospital
…稲葉 聡
機関会員のページ 名寄市立総合病院
Nayoro City General Hospital
…和泉 裕一
機関会員のページ 公立置賜総合病院
Okitama Pablic General Hospital
…江口 英行,林 雅弘
機関会員のページ 横浜市立みなと赤十字病院
Yokohama City Minato Red Cross Hospital
…渡辺 孝之
機関会員のページ 済生会宇都宮病院
Saiseikai Utsunomiya Hospital
…小林 健二
機関会員のページ 大船中央病院
Ofuna Chuo Hospital
…須藤 博

澤田 いずみ*1 首藤 英里香*1 中村 充雄*2 青木 信裕*3
後藤 葉子*2 竹田 里江*4 大日向 輝美*1

結論: ICASUは多職種連携能力を段階的に示す3因子で構成され,概念妥当性と内的整合性が単施設において検証された.

Reliability and Validity of an Interprofessional Competency Assessment Scale for Undergraduates (ICASU) in Staged Evaluation of an Interprofessional Education Program for Healthcare

Izumi SAWADA*1 Erika SHUDO *1 Mitsuo NAKAMURA*2 Nobuhiro AOKI*3
Yoko GOTO*2 Satoe TAKEDA*4 Terumi OHINATA*1

Purpose: This study examines the reliability and validity of an Interprofessional Competency Assessment Scale for Undergraduates (ICASU) in the staged evaluation of an interprofessional education (IPE) program.
Participants: Participants were 355 undergraduates of Sapporo Medical University, department of nursing, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.
Data collection: We developed the interprofessional competency assessment form with 28 items, each using a 5-point Likert scale, to ask participants about their achievement and learning opportunities.
Analysis: Deleting items that showed ceiling effects in the achievement, we performed a factor analysis. Repeating the deletions till the factor loads of all items became 0.4 or higher, 16 items were selected for the ICASU. We conducted an exploratory factor analysis on achievement and learning opportunities. Using principal factor analysis and Promax rotation, we calculated the Cronbach alpha coefficient.
Results: We collected 314 (89.2%) valid responses. Factor analyses of ICASU data on achievement showed three factors: six items for ‘Basic communication skills’, four items for ‘Understanding one's own and other occupations’, and six items for ‘Interprofessional collaboration skills’. Three similar factors were extracted on learning opportunities, showing agreement among all items except one. The α coefficients of the ICASU on the achievement and learning opportunities were 0.8 or higher.
Conclusion: The findings suggest that the ICASU is composed of three factors that indicate staged interprofessional competency in undergraduates and verify the validity of concepts and internal consistency. The usefulness of this scale in the staged evaluation of IPE needs to be explored.
Keywords: Under graduates, Interprofessional Education, Competency, Staged evaluation, Scale

*1 札幌医科大学保健医療学部看護学科,Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University
*2 札幌医科大学保健医療学部作業療法学科,Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University
*3 札幌医科大学保健医療学部理学療法学科,Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Sciences. Sapporo Medical University
*4 杏林大学保健学部,Faculty of Health Sciences, Kyorin University

辻 喜久*1, 2



History of Japanese and Western Medical Professionalism Developed in the Context of Social Structure

Yoshihisa TSUJI*1, 2

Introduction: Currently, there is confusion about what constitutes medical professionalism in Japan. Method: We compared the histories of the development professionalism in western countries and Japan based on the stage theory of economic development and a literature review.  Using the information we gathered, we discuss the reasons why the confusion occurred. Result: In most of western countries, medical professionalism was affected by the industrial revolution and Protestantism. As Weber noted, for Protestants, working industriously and using the gift of one’s talent to earn much money was consistent with the teachings of God. Thus, reward was an important proof of their faith. Meanwhile, the Japanese social system and professionalism were developed independently from the industrial revolution. Since Japan was less influenced by the industrial revolution, knowledge was not subdivided.  This resulted in undeveloped specialist jobs and the continuation of classical education based on Buddhism and Confucianism.  Japanese professionalism, which included sacrificial altruism, differed from western professionalism, particularly with regard to the concept of reward. Discussion: Due to globalization, Japanese society now has two types of professionalism: one from western ideals and another from classical Japanese ideals. Because these two types of professionalism conflict on certain points, such as the concept of reward, there is confusion about what constitutes Japanese professionalism.
Keywords: Professionalism, Economic Development, Stage theory of Economic development


*1 滋賀医科大学IR室,Director, Institutional Research Office
*2 滋賀医科大学医学科臨床教育講座,Department of Clinical Education, Shiga University of Medical Science

大滝 純司*

*東京医科大学兼任教授,北海道大学名誉教授,Visiting Professor, Tokyo Medical University,  Emeritus Professor, Hokkaido University
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載6回
6.1 プロフェショナリズムの概念・要素についての講義

宮田 靖志*


Teaching the Fundamentals of Medical Professionalism

Yasushi MIYATA*

It is said that there is no universal and comprehensive definition of professionalism. This is because there are various factors to consider depending on age, social situation, and medical context. Another reason is that academics differ in how they think about professionalism. This situation has made it difficult to introduce professionalism education. However, it is thought that a certain educational effect can be obtained by promoting education while working with the learner to consider the concept and definition of professionalism based on the social contract that forms the basis of the concept of professionalism and the trust of society. We present examples of teaching the concept of professionalism though the use of concrete examples.
Keywords: Two learning objectives, Altruism, Social accountability, Professionalism dilemma, Narrative medicine

*愛知医科大学医学部地域総合診療医学寄附講座医学教育センター,Aichi Medical University School of Medicine, Department of Primary Care and Community Health, Medical Education Center
プロフェッショナリズム教育方略 連載6回
6.2 専門職としての医師のあり方の気づきを求めて

大生 定義*

キーワード:人間の本性,社会の視点 バズセッション,グループ討議,ロールプレイ

To Promote a Learner’s Self-Awareness for Being a Medical Doctor as a Profession
―Human Nature vs Social Perspective-

Sadayoshi OHBU

Keywords: Human nature, Social perspective, Buzz session, Group discussion, Role play

*新生病院, New Life Hospital

主  催:日本医学教育学会
共  催:文部科学省
開催場所:神奈川県三浦郡葉山町 湘南国際村センター
開 催 日 :平成30年12月1日(日)~5日(木)
ディレクター :鈴木 康之(日本医学教育学会・理事長,岐阜大学)
タスクフォース:福島  統(日本医学教育学会・副理事長,東京慈恵会医科大学)
        小西 靖彦(日本医学教育学会・副理事長,京都大学)
         藤崎 和彦(岐阜大学)
        伊野 美幸(聖マリアンナ医科大学)
        守屋 利佳(北里大学)
        高橋 弘明(岩手県立中央病院)
コンサルタント: 荒木 裕人(文部科学省・高等教育局・医学教育課・企画官)
        児玉 大輔(厚生労働省・医政局・医事課・医師臨床研修推進室長)
        松本  圭(湘南国際村センター)

森 忠三 先生を偲んで
第76回 医学教育セミナーとワークショップ


第75回医学教育セミナーとワークショップ in 岐阜大学

岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター 鈴木 康之



木村 武司*1 錦織 宏*1,*2

*1 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
*2 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科総合医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University

駒澤 伸泰*

*大阪医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Osaka Medical College
An Overview of Admission into Medical School in New Zealand

Brian, YEOM*

Abstract: There are two medical schools in New Zealand, the University of Auckland School of Medicine and the Otago Medical School. Students are admitted annually and unlike Japan, prospective students must complete at least one year of university study before applying for admission. Approximately 580 students are admitted nationally each year. Both schools use academic achievement and performance in a clinical aptitude test to guide student selection. Only the University of Auckland interviews applicants in a multiple-mini interviews format. A graduate-entry scheme accounts for 40-60 students of the annual intake, contrasting to most Japanese medical schools. Alternative admissions schemes exist to address inequities in New Zealand society, notably for students of Māori or Pacific Peoples ancestry and those originating from rural regions of New Zealand.

* The University of Auckland, New Zealand

高橋 優三*

*兵庫医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Hyogo College of Medicine

山中 修*

*ポーラのクリニック, Paula’s Clinic
第50巻・第6号特集「そうだ,医学教育誌に投稿しよう! 投稿虎の巻

幡生 あすか*

*大阪医学大学院薬学研究科,Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University
JA北海道厚生連 遠軽厚生病院
Hokkaido P.W.F.A.C. Engaru-Kosei General Hospital

稲葉 聡(病院長)

Nayoro City General Hospital

和泉 裕一(病院事業管理者 兼 病院長)

Okitama Pablic General Hospital

江口 英行(副院長(兼)教育研修部長) 林 雅弘(病院長)

Yokohama City Minato Red Cross Hospital

渡辺 孝之(副院長 教育研修推進室長)

Saiseikai Utsunomiya Hospital

小林 健二(病院長)

Ofuna Chuo Hospital

須藤 博(院長)


一般社団法人 日本医学教育学会 リーフレット


医学教育情報館 MEAL


一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)