1. 巻頭言
日本医学教育学会 理事長 鈴木 康之
2. 海外からの50周年の祝辞
50th Anniversary of the Japan Society for Medical Education
Professor David Gordon, FRCP FMedSci
2. 海外からの50周年の祝辞
Testimonial for the Japan Society for Medical Education on the Occasion of its 50th Anniversary
Emeritus Professor Michael Field, AM MD BSc
2. 海外からの50周年の祝辞
Congratulatory Remarks for the Japan Society for Medical Education
Professor Ducksun Ahn, MD FRCSC MA(Lit.) MA(Bioethics) P.g.Dip (M.Ed.)
2. 海外からの50周年の祝辞
日本歯科医学教育学会 理事長 関本 恒夫
5. 医学教育の3賞
齋藤 宣彦
1. 牛場賞
2. 日野原賞
3. 懸田賞
6. 医学教育各賞 受賞者一覧
7. 過去の『医学教育白書』巻頭言・序 再掲載にあたって
武田 裕子
8. 公開シンポジウム「医学教育:過去,現在,そして未来へ」
1. 医学教育の歴史
福島 統*
At the time of 1945, the number of entrance to medical school in our country exceeded 10,000 people. After the end of the war, Colonel Sams reformed the doctor training course, consolidation of medical schools, national examination, internship system was introduced. After the internship system changed to postgraduate clinical training in 1968 and clinical training based on law in 2004. Before introducing the clinical training based on law, the doctor nurturing pathway was deeply involved by "Ikyoku-Kouza" system in faculty and attached hospital. Medical education standard was established at 1948 and became a nationwide unified curriculum, but the freedom of the curriculum has increased with the advent of Tsukuba University School of Medicine at 1973. Based on these histories, it is necessary to think about the ideal way of making a physician pathway and the future way of the medical education curriculum development.
Key words: undergraduate medical education, postgraduate clinical training, Ikyoku-Kouza system, way for making a physician of medical education
*東京慈恵会医科大学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, The Jikei University School of Medicine
8. 公開シンポジウム「医学教育:過去,現在,そして未来へ」
2. 社会環境の変化―医療人類学の立場から―
磯野 真穂*
The core curriculum of the Japanese medical schools was revised in 2017. As a result, medical anthropology and sociology were integrated into the curriculum. The knowledge of these disciplines is especially useful in the medical settings where uncertainty emerges due to biomedicine's sometimes limited ability to provide concrete answers. Since the late 20th century, early intervention based on epidemiological facts has been prevalent in medicine, and individuals are required to be responsible for their own bodies and taming the risks of future diseases. However, epidemiological risks can never predict an individual's future precisely. Patients inevitably face uncertainty and sometimes make choices that appear irrational in the eyes of science. In such a situation, medical anthropology and sociology give medical professionals perspectives that allow them to consider the choices of patients as shaped by their sociocultural and political-economic backgrounds. These perspectives will establish the place foundation for constructive dialogues between healthcare professionals and patients.
Key words: uncertainty, risk, health care system, surveillance medicine
*国際医療福祉大学, International University of Health and Welfare
8. 公開シンポジウム「医学教育:過去,現在,そして未来へ」
3. 世界の医学教育の流れ
武田 裕子*
教育は社会的に構築される.医療は,保険制度はもとより,国の成り立ちや歴史,国民性,文化によっても影響を受け,国によってそのありようは異なる.大きく時代が変わる中,社会のニーズに応えられる医師の育成に向けて,医学教育がどのように取り組んできたか,また,今後の課題について概説する.4年ごとに改訂されてきた海外の教科書『Practical Guide for Medical Teachers(第5版)』と,本学会の『医学教育白書2018年版』の記述に加え,著明な医学教育研究者から頂いた意見をもとに,世界の医学教育の流れをいくつかの岸辺に立って眺め,わが国の課題について論考を試みた.
キーワード:医学教育,変化,医学教育研究, 健康格差, 健康の社会的決定要因
Education is socially constructed. How health care is provided also affected by many factors including culture, history, and economy as well as insurance system in a country. Medical school is responsible to foster physicians who could respond to societal needs in the era of health inequality. Based on the experts' opinions and changes in description of chapters in medical education textbooks, we review the global trend of medical education and discuss the challenges
Key words: medical education,global trend, medical education research, health inequality, social determinants of health
*順天堂大学医学部医学教育研究室,Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine
8. 公開シンポジウム「医学教育:過去,現在,そして未来へ」
4. これからの医師の役割-医学教育のあり方を考えながら
伴 信太郎*
今,医学教育は大きな転換を迫られている.それにはさまざまな社会的背景があるが,それらを9つに分け,それぞれに伴って,これから変化が求められる医師の役割と,そのための医学教育改革について述べた.その9つの社会的背景とは,1) 高度先進医療の発展・医学知識の膨張,2) 医療のテクノロジー化,3) 患者の知識の増大・意識の変化,4) 人口の少子高齢化,5) ICT(情報通信技術)革命の進行,6) AI(人工知能)の発達,7) 医療の専門細分化,8) 医療関係職種の多様化,9) 世界のグローバル化,である.
Nobutaro BAN
Changing societal environments are forcing us to prepare to assume new roles as physicians. The resulting changes coming to the practice of medicine require significant medical education reforms. Specifically, there are nine factors that impact this need for change. Those factors are: 1) expanding medical knowledge, 2) introduction of various new technologies into medicine, 3) easy accessibility to medical knowledge by patients and their family members, 4) an aging population, 5) rapid development of information and communication technology, 6) the imminent arrival of artificial intelligence, 7) specialization of physicians, 8) variety of health professionals, and 9) globalization-.
Key words: medical education, role of physicians, environmental change, change
*愛知医科大学医学教育センター長 特命教授
8. 公開シンポジウム「医学教育:過去,現在,そして未来へ」
椎橋 実智男
日本医学教育学会 卒後・専門教育委員会
高橋 弘明*1 小西 靖彦*2 青松 棟吉*3 石原 慎*4
清水 貴子*5 高橋 誠*6 中川 晋*7 望月 篤*8 安井 浩樹*9
Japan Society for Medical Education, Post-graduate Medical Education Committee
Hiroaki TAKAHASHI*1 Yasuhiko KONISHI*2 Muneyoshi AOMATSU*3
Susumu NAKAGAWA*7 Atsushi MOCHIZUKI*8 Hiroki YASUI*9
"The Ordinance of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on Japanese Postgraduate Medical Training System" from 2020 was announced to each prefectural governor on July 3rd, 2018. This Medical Training system has been reviewed once every five years, and has been strongly aware of the consistency between the model core curriculum of the undergraduate medical education and the continuing professional development of Japan Medical Association. In this journal, Postgraduate Education Committee in Japan Society for Medical Education has published six installments of a series entitled "Japanese Medical Training System and Medical Education". We reviewed the series and discussed medical education trends surrounding the postgraduate medical training system and issues in the committee. We will be reporting the information as part of the seventh installment of the series.
Key words: undergraduate medical education, postgraduate medical training system, Japanese medical specialty education, learner's evaluation
*1 岩手県立中央病院医療研修部,Department of Medical Education, Iwate Prefectural Central Hospital
[〒020-0066 盛岡市上田1-4-1]
*2 京都大学医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Kyoto University
*3 佐久総合病院研修医教育科,Department of Medical Education, Saku Central Hospital
*4 藤田保健衛生大学地域医療学,Department of Community Medicine, Fujita Health University
*5 聖隷福祉事業団顧問,Adviser, Headquarters, Seirei Social Welfare Community
*6 東京医科歯科大学臨床医学教育開発学,Department of Medical Education Research and Development, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
*7 東京都済生会中央病院人材育成センター,Center for Human Resource Development, Tokyo Saiseikai Central hospital
*8 聖マリアンナ医科大学医学教育文化部門医学教育研究分野,Research Institute for Medical Education, St. Marianna University School of Medicine
*9 美幌町立国民健康保険病院(呼吸器内科),National Insurance Bihoro Municipal Hospital
淺田 義和*1 板井 美浩*2 松山 泰*3
A Case Study of First-year Experience Class
Yoshikazu ASADA*1 Yoshihiro ITAI*2 Yasushi MATSUYAMA*3
A first-year experience class for medical students was conducted to show a whole curriculum structure and to introduce some study skills through a few group work activities. Although the class was originally lecture-based, it was redesigned with active learning methods like group discussion, peer-review experience and peer-to-peer presentation using short articles. Students were asked to submit a learning record note and received feedback via Moodle. First-year students are expected to identify milestones toward the achievement of core competencies during the 6-year undergraduate curriculum and acquire basic skills leading to the development of various learning strategies. Learning outcomes of this attempt should be investigated for years and the class needs to be improved based on the evaluation.
Key words:first-year experience, study skills, active learning, undergraduate education
*1 自治医科大学情報センターIR部門,Jichi Medical University
*2 自治医科大学総合教育部門,Jichi Medical University
*3 自治医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Jichi Medical University
石川 ひろの
受賞の対象となった論文は,2006年にMedical Educationに掲載された『Evaluating medical student's nonverbal communication during the OSCE』1) だった.私が医学教育学会に出入りし,医学教育という領域に関わるきっかけとなった研究でもあり,医療コミュニケーションの研究と医学教育とのつながりを考えさせてくれた論文でもある.ここでは,この研究の舞台裏を含めて振り返りつつ,自分自身にとって医学教育研究とは何かということを改めて問い直してみたい.
信州大学医学部医学教育研修センター センター長 多田 剛
岐阜大学医学教育開発研究センター 川上 ちひろ
川上 ちひろ*