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特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…武田 裕子
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…三原 弘,廣川 慎一郎,伊井 みず穂,若杉 雅浩,帯田 孝之
石木 学,岸 裕幸,北 啓一朗,関根 道和,足立 雄一
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
【短 報】COVID-19パンデミック下での初期研修医採用試験における
…染小 英弘,塩尻 俊明
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…角南 なおみ
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…米岡 裕美,柴崎 智美,柴﨑 由佳,加藤 寿,石橋 敬一郎,中平 健佑,森 茂久
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…柴﨑 智美,金田 光平,植村 真喜子,荒木 隆一郎,鮫島 俊介,木下 理恵
鈴木 郁子,丸木 和子,石橋 敬一郎,椎橋 実智男,森 茂久
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…石橋 敬一郎,柴﨑 智美,杉山 智江,米岡 裕美,荒木 隆一郎,植村 真喜子
大西 京子,山田 泰子, 川村 勇樹,中平 健祐,金田 光平,柴﨑 由佳
小山 政史,高橋 健夫,友利 浩司,東 守洋,椎橋 実智男,森 茂久
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…柴﨑 由佳,柴﨑 智美,金田 光平,大西 京子,杉山 智江
荒木 隆一郎,川村 勇樹,佐藤 寛栄, 岸野 亨,小峰 美仁
倉林 均,米岡 裕美,椎橋 実智男,石橋 敬一郎,森 茂久
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…田中 淳一,照屋 周造,近藤 猛,柴田 綾子,藤井 達也,米岡 裕美
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…山本 恭子,塩田 星児,中川 幹子,北野 敬明,宮﨑 英士
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…野平 知良,三苫 博
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…織田 順,三苫 博
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…黒﨑 久訓,福岡 範恭
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…近藤 猛,錦織 宏
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…津田 万里,森屋 宏美,浦野 哲哉
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…幕内 安弥子,栩野 吉弘,奥山 直木,福本 一夫
並川 浩己,豊田 宏光,鎌田 紀子,首藤 太一
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
【掲示板(意見)】 オンラインを用いた「糖尿病教室IPE」でのファシリテーションの意義
…末松 三奈,肥田 武,安友 裕子,半谷 眞七子
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…西郡 椋也,塩田 星児,衞藤 祐樹,西水 翔子,藤谷 直明,山本 恭子,宮﨑 英士
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…津田 万里
特 集 コロナ禍より生まれた医学教育イノベーション
…染谷 真紀,山本 憲,鈴木 忍,井貫 恵利子,山本 豪志朗,小西 靖彦
第71回日本東洋医学会学術総会 『次世代に継(つな)ぐ卒前卒後漢方医学教育』
…高山 真,中永 士師明,中村 東一郎,三潴 忠道

武田 裕子*

Foreword : Medical Education in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Yuko Takeda

* 順天堂大学大学院医学研究科医学教育学,Jumtemdo University Graduate School of Medicine

三原 弘*1,2 廣川 慎一郎*1 伊井 みず穂*1 若杉 雅浩*1 帯田 孝之*1
石木 学*2 岸 裕幸*2 北 啓一朗*2 関根 道和*2 足立 雄一*2

キーワード:医行為訓練 自宅蘇生講習会 ビデオ学修 ビデオ評価 画角

Educational Practices of Medical Training
via Video Learning and Video Assessment

Hiroshi MIHARA*1, 2 Shinichiro HIROKAWA*1 Mizuho II*1
Masahiro WAKASUGI*1 Takayuki OBITA*1 Manabu ISHIKI*2
Hiroyuki KISHI*2 Keiichiro KITA*2 Michikazu SEKINE*2 Yuichi ADACHI*2

Because the corona disaster made group medical training difficult, we conducted resuscitation training for new students and basic medical skills training for fourth-year students without face-to-face instruction using video learning, assessment, and ICT. In the resuscitation training, the students were allowed to take a mannequin home and film themselves performing the resuscitation while learning by video. Later, group and peer assessment were conducted via Zoom, and a significant increase in self-assessment was observed. In the basic medical skills training, the students filmed their own implementation at their own pace while learning by video, and the teachers later conducted video assessment and feedback. The lack of face-to-face instruction made it possible to implement the limb spine training, which had not been possible in previous years. It is necessary to adjust the timing of the video registration by the students and the video assessment by the teachers, and to make further improvement to the system.
Keywords: medical training, home resuscitation training, video learning, video assessment, angle of view

*1 富山大学医療学入門BLSワーキンググループ,BLS Working Group, Introduction Iatrology, University of Toyama
*2 富山大学医学部医学科基本的診療技能実習ワーキンググループ,Working Groupe for Basic Medical Skills Training, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toyama
【短 報】COVID-19パンデミック下での初期研修医採用試験における

染小 英弘* 塩尻 俊明*


The Significance of Online Interviews in the Examination
for Recruitment of Junior Residents During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hidehiro SOMEKO* Toshiaki SHIOJIRI*

Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, some hospitals conducted online interviews. Reports on applicants’ and interviewers’ perceived differences between online and in-person interviews for the recruitment of junior residents are relatively lacking in Japan.
Methods: We administered a questionnaire to all applicants and interviewers participated in the 2020 residency recruitment interview held in our hospital.
Results: 70 of 96 applicants (72.9%) and all of 24 interviewers responded. Forty one of 70 applicants (58.6%) felt they were able to show their ability in online interviews as well as in-person interviews. Thirty seven of 70(52.9%) and 40 of 70(57.1%) applicants felt they could convey passion and personality better in in-person interviews, respectively. Twenty of 24(83.3%) and 13 of 24(54.2%) interviewers felt applicants could show their ability and convey their passion in online interviews as well as in-person. Thirteen of 24(54.2%) interviewers felt applicants could convey their personality in in-person interviews better. Seventeen of 70(24.3%) applicants would choose in-person interviews if given the next chance for interviews. Thirty nine of 70(55.7%) applicants would like to choose in-person interviews though they could accept online interviews. Ten of 24(41.7%) interviewers thought only in-person interviews should be performed next year. Nine 24(37.5%) interviewers thought both in-person and online interviews should be performed next year.
Conclusion: If the COVID-19 pandemic persists, online interviews can be considered as an option though the results indicate that in-person interviews are preferable.
Keywords: online interview, matching, junior residency, COVID-19

*総合病院国保旭中央病院総合診療内科,Department of general internal medicine, Asahi General Hospital

角南 なおみ*

結果:新入生に対し,“正解のない問いを探求する” “学生をつなぐ”というテーマのもとICTを使用して実践された.
考察:新たなコミュニケーション授業におけるICT活用は,1) 新入生同士をつなぎ,2) チーム課題を通して関係構築の場を提供し,3) チャット機能による参加者全体の双方向的交流に役立った.これらの実現には,学生のフィードバックと協力が重要であった.

A Novel Practice of Communication Class Using ICT:
Team/Individual Study Using Keynote, Slack, PowerPoint,
Zoom in the First Year of Medical School


This article aims to study a novel course on Human communication at Tottori University. As COVID-19 crisis increased in 2020, face-to-face classes and the off-campus practical training hade to be cancelled. Those classes were reconstructed by using ICT with volunteer students. The new themes were “searching for no correct answering for questions” and “connecting between the students”. Before every class, the teacher and volunteer students held discussions on how to use ICT tools for future classes. The use of ICT in a novel communication class was useful for 1) connecting students, 2) providing the place to have relationships through team-taskings, 3) having interactive class using the chat function. Feedback and cooperation from students were important for these realizations.
Keywords: ICT, communication class, student participation

* 鳥取大学医学部医学科,Department of medicine,Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University

米岡 裕美*1 柴崎 智美*2, 3 柴﨑 由佳*3 加藤 寿*3, 4
石橋 敬一郎*2, 3 中平 健佑*1 森 茂久*2, 3


Elementary Training in Elementary and Junior High School
Education through the Creation of Health Guidance Videos

Yumi YONEOKA*1 Satomi SHIBAZAKI*2, 3 Yuka SHIBAZAKI*3 Hisashi KATO*3, 4
Keiichiro ISHIBASHI*2, 3 Kensuke NAKAHIRA*1 Shigehisa MORI*2, 3

At Saitama Medical University, elementary and junior high school experiential training was conducted to give students experience with health promotion, health guidance and communication with different generations. In the 2020 FY, each small group was in charge of different grades and themes. They created a 10-minute health guidance video remotely. By doing the video project remotely, students could take time to do group work and deepen their understanding of the theme and children of the target grade. It also became easier to teach students how to use the PC tools needed for the task. The students learned not only the knowledge necessary for health guidance, but also how to concretely assess the target person and convey information as consciously as possible. It is important to nurture within students an attitude of seriously engaging in the training despite not physically going to school. For this reason, communication with the school is important.
Keywords: health guidance experience, video creation, intergenerational communication, ARCS model

*1 埼玉医科大学医学部教養教育,Department of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Medicine, Saitama Medical University
*2 埼玉医科大学医学教育学,Department of Medical Education, Saitama Medical University
*3 埼玉医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Saitama Medical University
*4 秩父市立病院総合診療科,Department of General Practice, Chichibu Municipal Hospital

柴﨑 智美*1, 2, 4 金田 光平*2 植村 真喜子*3 荒木 隆一郎*2 鮫島 俊介*5 木下 理恵*5
鈴木 郁子*5 丸木 和子*5 石橋 敬一郎*1, 2 椎橋 実智男*1, 2, 4 森 茂久*1, 2


Practice of Remote Nonverbal Communication Training for the People
with Severe Motor and Intellectual Disabilities in Habilitation Center

Satomi SHIBAZAKI*1, 2, 4 Kouhei KANEDA*2 Makiko UEMURA*3 Ryuichiro ARAKI*2
Syunsuke SAMEJIMA*5 Rie KINOSHITA*5 Ikuko SUZUKI*5 Kazuko MARUKI*5
Keiichiro ISHIBASHI*1, 2  Michio SHIIBASHI*1, 2, 4 Shigehisa MORI*1, 2

At Saitama Medical University, experience training for first-year medical students was conducted for the purpose of communication with people who live in an institution and have severe motor and intellectual disabilities. However, due to the spread of COVID-19, training at this institution has been suspended completely, which has led us to conduct the training remotely. In the remote training sessions, people with disabilities who only had nonverbal communication tools joined a Zoom meeting where they were able to communicate with students from inside the institution. In the past, there have been other times when training was suspended due to infectious disease outbreaks. Despite this, remote training has made it possible to carry out training without being affected by the environment. Compared to conventional training, remote training did not allow students to experience the atmosphere of the institution or to interaction with the people on-site. However, it did have other advantages in that it enabled students to understand the disabilities at a deep level, making them realize the importance of nonverbal communication, and increasing their motivation to learn.
Keywords:nonverbal communication, remote training, human care, experience training

*1 埼玉医科大学医学部医学教育学,Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Saitama Medical University
*2 埼玉医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Faculty of Medicine, Saitama Medical University
*3 埼玉医科大学医学部社会医学,Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saitama Medical University
*4 埼玉医科大学IRセンター,Institutional Research Center, Saitama Medical University
*5 光の家療育センター,Hikarinoie Habilitation Center

石橋 敬一郎*1, 2 柴﨑 智美*1 ,2 杉山 智江*2 米岡 裕美*3 荒木 隆一郎*2
植村 真喜子*4 大西 京子*2 山田 泰子*2 川村 勇樹*3 中平 健祐*3
金田 光平*2 柴﨑 由佳*2 小山 政史*5 高橋 健夫*6 友利 浩司*7
東 守洋*8 椎橋 実智男*9 森 茂久*1, 2

COVID-19感染拡大に伴い全学年登校禁止となり,遠隔授業を開始した.Early Exposure Programとしての病院見学・医師業務見学は,医学部低学年にとって大切な実習と考え,遠隔でのバーチャル病院見学・医師業務見学を行う事とした.Zoomを用いて,1年生のバーチャル病院見学は6月に,2年生のバーチャル医師業務見学は12月に実施した.従来の実習と比べて現場の臨場感を肌で感じる部分は少ないが,学修内容の増加,学修機会の公平性の担保,主体的な学修の促進ができるという利点があることがわかった.両者の長所をうまく組み合わせたハイブリッドの病院見学・医師業務見学が有効であると考えられる.

Virtual Hospital Tour and Observation for
First and Second-year Medical Students

Keiichiro ISHIBASHI*1, 2 Satomi SHIBAZAKI*1, 2 Tomoe SUGIYAMA*2
Yumi YONEOKA*3 Ryuichiro ARAKI*2 Makiko UEMURA*4 Kyoko ONISHI*2
Yasuko YAMADA*2 Yuuki KAWAMURA*3 Kensuke NAKAHIRA*3 Kouhei KANEDA*2
Morihiro HIGASHI*8 Michio SHIIBASHI*9 Shigehisa MORI*1, 2

Students in all years, including those in lower years, were prohibited from coming to campus because of COVID-19, which began to spread in January 2020. However, we believed that a hospital tour and observership would be important practical training for first and second year medical students as part of the early exposure program, which aims to increase student motivation. Thus, we decided to conduct a virtual hospital tour and a virtual observation of medical doctors’ work. We used Zoom to conduct a virtual hospital tour for first-year students in June, and a virtual observation of physicians’ work for second-year students in December. Although this offered less of an opportunity to experience the reality of the clinic, there have been benefits in terms of increased learning content, fairness of learning opportunities delivered, and the promotion of independent learning. With regard to a “Hospital Tour” and the “Observation of Medical Doctors’ Work”, we believe that hybrid forms, which are able to skillfully combine the strengths of the two methods, would be effective.
Keywords: early exposure program, virtual hospital tour training, virtual observation medical doctors’ work training

*1 埼玉医科大学医学部医学教育学,Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Saitama Medical University
*2 埼玉医科大学 医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Saitama Medical University
*3 埼玉医科大学医学部教養教育,Department of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Medicine, Saitama Medical University
*4 埼玉医科大学医学部社会医学,Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saitama Medical University
*5 埼玉医科大学国際医療センター泌尿器腫瘍科,Department of Uro-Oncology, Saitama Medical University International Medical Center
*6 埼玉医科大学総合医療センター放射線腫瘍科,Department of Radiation Oncology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University
*7 埼玉医科大学病院腎臓内科,Department of Nephrology, Saitama Medical University Hospital, Saitama Medical University
*8 埼玉医科大学総合医療センター病理部,Department of Pathology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University
*9 埼玉医科大学ITセンター,Information Technology Center, Saitama Medical University

柴﨑 由佳*1 柴﨑 智美*1, 2 金田 光平*1 大西 京子*1 杉山 智江*1
荒木 隆一郎*1 川村 勇樹*1, 2 佐藤 寛栄*1, 4 岸野 亨*6, 7 小峰 美仁*8
倉林 均*8 米岡 裕美*3 椎橋 実智男*1, 2, 5 石橋 敬一郎*1, 2 森 茂久*1, 2


Practical Training in Pharmaceutical Service and Rehabilitation Services
at Medical School Using Video and Reflection

Yuka SHIBAZAKI*1 Satomi SHIBAZAKI*1, 2 Kouhei KANEDA*1 Kyoko ONISHI*1
Tomoe SUGIYAMA*1 Ryuichiro ARAKI*1 Yuuki KAWAMURA*1, 2
Hiromasa SATOH*1, 4 Tohru KISHINO*6, 7 Yoshihito KOMINE*8
Hitoshi KURABAYASHI*8 Yumi YONEOKA*3 Michio SHIIBASHI*1, 2, 5
Keiichiro ISHIBASHI*1, 2 Shigehisa MORI*1, 2

At Saitama Medical University, practical training in pharmaceutical service and rehabilitation services is conducted. Due to the spread of COVID-19 infection in 2020, it was difficult for third-year medical students to practice in the actual medical field. For this reason, students have been provided a remote practical training in pharmaceutical service and rehabilitation services, such as watching videos of working situations and interviews for pharmacist, physical therapist, occupational therapist and speech therapist, group works using Zoom, and exchanging questions and answers with those professions. Although student’s levels of readiness were diverse, they could learn more deeply about the roles and perspectives they had not learn previously, compared to conventional practical training. In addition to this effect, the program provided more opportunities for students to deepen their learning. Therefore, in the future, we would like to consider implementing a training program that provides both virtual and onsite experiences.
Keywords:virtual learning, reflection, interprofessional education, ARCS model, experimental learning model

*1 埼玉医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Educational Center, Saitama Medical University
*2 埼玉医科大学医学部医学教育学,Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Saitama Medical University
*3 埼玉医科大学医学部教養教育,Department of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Medicine, Saitama Medical University
*4 埼玉医科大学医学部生理学,Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Saitama Medical University
*5 埼玉医科大学情報技術支援センター,Information Technology Center, Saitama Medical University
*6 社会福祉法人埼玉医大福祉会医療型障害児入所施設カルガモの家薬剤部,Pharmaceutical Department, Saitama Medical University Welfare Association Karugamo-no-ie
*7 埼玉医科大学病院薬剤部,Pharmaceutical Department, Saitama Medical University Hospital
*8 埼玉医科大学病院リハビリテーション部,Rehabilitation Department, Saitama Medical University Hospital

田中 淳一*1, 6 照屋 周造*2, 6 近藤 猛*3, 6 柴田 綾子*4, 6 藤井 達也*5, 6 米岡 裕美*7

キャリア教育では主体的な参加を引き出す工夫が重要であり,我々はそのための対面形式のワークショップを実践してきた.しかし,コロナ禍で,手法の変更を余儀なくされた.そこでオンライン形式で 100 人以上の学生が主体的に参加できるように,1 冊の本を短時間に複数人で読むアクティブ・ブック・ダイアログ ®️ を活用したキャリア教育を行った.この手法で,各自が担当パートを読み,グループメンバーと協力して,まとめ,キャリア理論の学習につなげた.またオンラインツールを活用し,複数の講師が離れた所で,双方向のやりとりを交えながら,教育実践ができた.今回の経験を振り返り,他でも活用できると考え,報告する.

Online Career Education with Active Book Dialogue

Junichi TANAKA*1, 6 Shuzo TERUYA*2, 6 Takeshi KONDO*3, 6
Ayako SHIBATA*4, 6 Tatsuya FUJII*5, 6 Yumi YONEOKA*7

In career education, devising ways to elicit proactive participation is vital, thus we conducted face-to-face workshops to drive learners’ participation. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to teach classes online. Therefore, to motivate more than 100 students to participate actively in the online format, we conducted career education using Active Book Dialogue® where several students read a book together in a short period of time. Each student read a specific part of the book they were assigned and summarized it in collaboration with their group members. This enabled them to learn career theory. Additionally, the online format allowed several lecturers to be held within a remote and interactive environment. We will reflect on this experience and report on how this can be applied in other school.
Keywords: Active, Book Dialogue, career education, online learning

*1 東北大学大学院医学系研究科医学教育推進センター,Department of Education and Support for Regional Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital
*2 沖縄県立八重山病院内科,Okinawa Yaeyama Hospital
*3 名古屋大学医学部附属病院卒後臨床研修・キャリア形成支援センター,Center for Postgraduate Clinical Training and Career Development, Nagoya University Hospital
*4 淀川キリスト教病院産婦人科,Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yodogawa Christian Hospital
*5 松江病院整形外科,Department of Orthopedics, Matsue Hospital
*6 To Be Lab,
*7 埼玉医科大学教養教育,Department of Liberal Arts, Saitama medical University

山本 恭子*1,2 塩田 星児*2 中川 幹子*1 北野 敬明*1 宮﨑 英士*2

コロナ禍の臨床実習で直接患者に接することなく身体診察について学べる課題として,鑑別診断を考えながら行う身体診察(Hypothesis-driven physical examination: HDPE)に注目した.選択実習の学生とともにHDPEのシナリオを作成し,そのシナリオを用いて実習最終日にHDPEを実践した.シナリオ作成はオンライン,HDPEは対面のハイブリッドで行った.学生は相互学習で正しい診察手技やマナーを学ぶことができた.また,協同学習によりコミュニケーション,生涯学習能力も醸成することができた.認知的徒弟制の枠組みでのシナリオ作りの支援・HDPEの実践の両面で,学生自身の内的モチベーションに働きかける相互学習により学習効果を高めることができた.

Educational Practice Based on Hypothesis-Driven Physical Examination
-Creating Scenarios With Students by Using
the Framework of Cognitive Apprenticeship

Kyoko YAMAMOTO*1,2 Seiji SHIOTA*2 Mikiko NAKAGAWA*1
Takaaki KITANO*1 Eishi MIYAZAKI*2

During the coronavirus pandemic, we focused on Hypothesis-Driven Physical Examination (HDPE), which is performed while considering differential diagnosis as an issue that can be learned about physical examination without directly having contact with patients.
We created HDPE scenarios with students who elected general medicine in Clinical Clerkship 2, and we implemented HDPE using that scenario on the last day of the clerkship. The scenario was created online and HDPE was conducted face-to-face. Students could learn correct medical examination techniques and manners through mutual learning. In addition, they could acquire communication and lifelong learning abilities through cooperative learning.
We were able to enhance the learning effect through mutual learning that works on the students' own intrinsic motivation in terms of both creating scenarios for the framework of cognitive apprenticeship and implementing HDPE.
Keywords: Hypothesis-Driven Physical Examination, mutual leaning for learners, cognitive apprenticeship, intrinsic motivation, hybrid classes

*1 大分大学医学部医学教育センター, Oita University Faculty of medicine Medical Education Center
*2 大分大学医学部総合診療・総合内科学講座, Oita University Faculty of medicine department of General Medicine

野平 知良*1,3 三苫 博*2,3

COVID-19パンデミック下でオンライン臨床実習を実施するにあたり,以前より計画していた産婦人科臨床実習における行動医学教育の導入を試みた.本学第5年次の医学生40人に対し,2週間のローテーション型臨床実習でシナリオを用いたCase Based Learningを行った.シナリオは「行動医学テキスト」中の各項目をテーマとした産婦人科症例で,Zoomによる実習時間内のディスカッションと時間外の自主学習でカリキュラムを構成した.実習後,学生から「それまで座学の知識であった行動医学が,その後の実習でも意識して臨むことができるようになった」など意識の変容を示唆する感想が寄せられた.
キーワード:オンライン医学教育,臨床実習,行動医学,産科婦人科,Case Based Learning

Trial of Online Clinical Practice for Obstetrics
and Gynecology Including Behavioral Medicine

Tomoyoshi NOHIRA*1, 2 Hiroshi MITOMA*2, 3

In order to conduct online clinical practice under the COVID-19 pandemic, we attempted to introduce behavioral medicine education in obstetrics and gynecology clinical practice. Forty fifth-year medical students were obstetrics and gynecology case based on the themes from the "Behavioral Medicine" textbook. The curriculum consisted of discussions during practical training using Zoom independent study outside of the training time. After the practical training, we received comments from students suggesting there was a change in their awareness, such as “Behavioral medicine was previously classroom knowledge, but now I am able to be aware of it in subsequent practical training.”
Keywords: online medical education, clinical practice, behavioral medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, case based learning

*1 東京医科大学産科婦人科学分野,Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tokyo Medical University
*2 東京医科大学医学教育学分野,Medical Education Promoting Center, Tokyo Medical University
*3 東京医科大学医学教育推進センター,Department of Medical Education, Tokyo Medical University

織田 順*1 三苫 博*2


An Application of Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies
for Clinical Clerkships in Emergency Medicine

Jun ODA*1 Hiroshi MITOMA*2

We developed an education system utilizing virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies for clinical clerkships in emergency medicine. We used a spherical camera to record the scenes of emergency medical treatment, and then added subtitles/captions of clinical information onto the video date to help the learners’ understanding. By monitoring line of sight, instructors were able to estimate how far the students understood the situations and give appropriate feedbacks on the spot. These results suggest that an application of VR/AR technologies combined with preparatory learning materials and measurement of learners’ understanding in watching video provides an interactive and participatory educational context for knowledge acquiring in clinical clerkships. This system can be introduced at low cost and also can grow as a platform shared between teaching facilities.
Keywords: virtual reality, augmented reality, formative assessment

*1 東京医科大学救急・災害医学分野,Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Tokyo Medical University
*2 東京医科大学医学教育学分野,Department of Medical Education, Tokyo Medical University

黒﨑 久訓*1 福岡 範恭*1


New Simulation-Based Education Using a Simulation App
in Paramedic Education

Hisanori KUROSAKI*1 Noriyasu FUKUOKA*1

A simulated defibrillator using an iPad application was introduced for simulation education of endogenous diseases in paramedic training education. As a result, the reality of the scenario was increased, and a living body could play the role of the injured person, enabling simulation education in a different format than before. The use of a simulated defibrillator in EMT training can be a useful tool to motivate students and improve education effectiveness.
Key words: paramedic education, simulation-based education

*1 京都橘大学健康科学部救急救命学科,Kyoto Tachibana University Department of Emergency Medical Science Faculty of Health Sciences

近藤 猛*1 錦織 宏*2, 3

キーワード:反転授業, 臨床研修指導医講習会, オンライン教育, 指導医教育, 非同期型学習

Release from Restraint
-Full-online Faculty Development Using Flipped Classroom

Takeru KONDO*1 Hiroshi NISHIGORI*2, 3

The faculty development for clinical supervisor teaching residents (FD) was held for two nights on site in Japan. However, corona pandemic made it difficult to conduct the FD on site, thus we conducted it completely online. To avoid participants' burden of long hours of synchronous online learning, we adopted a flipped classroom in which assignments in asynchronous online learning was used in discussion in synchronous learning. Assignments were issued sequentially five weeks prior to the synchronous session, and the synchronous session was held from 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 13, 2020 to Saturday, November 14, 2020 for 45 participants. All participants completed the course by submitting all the assignments. The online flipped classroom utilizing assignments has a potential to significantly reduce the time constraints on busy clinicians.
Keywords: flipped classroom, online education, faculty development, asynchronous learning

*1 名古屋大学医学部附属病院卒後臨床研修・キャリア形成支援センター, Center for Postgraduate Clinical Training and Career Development, Nagoya University Hospital
*2 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科総合医学教育センター, Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
*3 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University

津田 万里*1 森屋 宏美*2 浦野 哲哉*3

キーワード:遠隔医療,遠隔診療,第5世代移動通信システム(5G),Artificial Intelligence (AI),卒前医学教育

The Reality of Telemedicine, the Current Status
of Telemedicine Education, and Future Prospects

Banri TSUDA*1 Hiromi MORIYA*2 Tetsuya URANO*3

Telemedicine has seen rapid development all over the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Compared to other developed countries, the adoption of telemedicine has been sluggish in Japan. Most of the developed countries are focusing on the development of telemedicine as a national policy, which is why telemedicine is developing. Although telemedicine has been available in Japan for some time, it was only an adjunct to face-to-face treatment. However, due to the spread of COVID-19, the introduction of telemedicine is rapidly gaining momentum as regulations have been significantly eased to allow for initial consultations and new prescriptions other than those for on-demand use. This article compares the background and current status of telemedicine in Japan and other countries where telemedicine is making progress, and outlines the future prospects of telemedicine.
Key words: COVID-19 pandemic,telemedicine,5G,AI,clinical clerkship

*1 東海大学医学部外科学系乳腺・腫瘍科,Department of Breast Oncology, Tokai University School of Medicine
*2 東海大学医学部看護学科,Department of Nursing, Tokai University School of Medicine
*3 東海大学医学部基礎医学系医学教育学,Department of Medical Education, Tokai University School of Medicine

幕内 安弥子* 栩野 吉弘* 奥山 直木* 福本 一夫*
並川 浩己* 豊田 宏光* 鎌田 紀子* 首藤 太一*

*大阪市立大学総合医学教育学/総合診療科, Department of General Practice & Medical Education Osaka City University Graduate School and Faculty of Medicine

末松 三奈*1 肥田 武*2 安友 裕子*3 半谷 眞七子*4

*1 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科地域医療教育学講座,Education for Community-Oriented Medicine, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
*2 一宮研伸大学看護学部,Ichinomiya Kenshin College of Nursing
*3 名古屋学芸大学管理栄養学部管理栄養学科,School of Nutritional Sciences, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences
*4 名城大学薬学部,Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University

西郡 椋也*1 塩田 星児*2 衞藤 祐樹*2 西水 翔子*2 藤谷 直明*2 山本 恭子*2, 3 宮﨑 英士*2

*1 大分大学医学部4年次生,Oita University Faculty of Medicine, 4th grade student
*2 大分大学医学部総合診療・総合内科学講座,Department of General Medicine, Oita University Faculty of Medicine
*3 大分大学医学部医学教育センター,Center for Medical Education, Oita University Faculty of Medicine

津田 万里*

*東海大学医学部外科学系乳腺・腫瘍科,Department of Breast Oncology, Tokai University School of Medicine

染谷 真紀*1 山本 憲*2 鈴木 忍*3, 4 井貫 恵利子*3 山本 豪志朗*5 小西 靖彦*2

*1 京都大学医学部附属病院総合臨床教育・研修センター,Integrated Clinical Education Center, Kyoto University Hospital
*2 京都大学医学部医学教育・国際化推進センター,Medical Education Center, Kyoto University
*3 京都大学大学院医学研究科「医学領域」産学連携推進機構,Kyoto University Medical Science and Business Liaison Organization
*4 京都大学オープンイノベーション機構,Kyoto University Open Innovation Institute
*5 京都大学医学部附属病院医療情報企画部,Division of Medical Information Technology and Administration Planning, Kyoto University Hospital
【掲示板(アナウンスメント)】第71回日本東洋医学会学術総会 『次世代に継(つな)ぐ卒前卒後漢方医学教育』

高山 真*1 中永 士師明*2 中村 東一郎*3 三潴 忠道*4

Kampo Education for Next Generation in
the 71th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Oriental Medicine

*1 東北大学病院総合地域医療教育支援部・漢方内科,Department of Kampo Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital
*2 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科医学専攻病態制御医学系救急・集中治療医学講座,Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Akita University Graduate School of Medicine
*3 中村医院,Nakamura Clinic
*4 福島県立医科大学会津医療センター漢方医学講座,Department of Kampo Medicine, Aizu Medical Center, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine


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