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特 集 医学部においてなぜ教育業績評価が求められるのか?
…鈴木 敬一郎
特 集 医学部においてなぜ教育業績評価が求められるのか?
2.医学部における教育評価の特殊性 -臨床医学の面から-
…赤池 雅史
特 集 医学部においてなぜ教育業績評価が求められるのか?
3. 学外病院における臨床実習教育に対する評価
…白鳥 正典,亀田 優美,苗代 康可,赤坂 憲,高橋 弘毅,相馬 仁
特 集 医学部においてなぜ教育業績評価が求められるのか?
…川邊 哲也,羽野 卓三,相馬 仁,鈴木 敬一郎
赤池 雅史,小林 直人,大槻 眞嗣,鈴木 利哉,奈良 信雄
特 集 医学部においてなぜ教育業績評価が求められるのか?
…皆本 晃弥
特 集 医学部においてなぜ教育業績評価が求められるのか?
…奈良 信雄
原 著 新人看護師教育を行った経験が先輩看護師の意識に及ぼす影響
…日高 優
…片岡 仁美,関 明穂,川畑 智子,勅使川原 早苗
岩瀬 敏秀,小比賀 美香子,大西 弘高
Hybrid Educational Activities between TBL And PBL Program (HEAT APP) for Cambodian Medical Students and Postgraduate Trainees.
A Novel Approach in an Asian Setting.
…Kentaro IWATA
掲示板 留学生受入プログラム開始による国際交流の推進
…馬場 幸子,森 正樹,森井 英一,磯 博康

鈴木 敬一郎*


1. How to use performance appraisal for faculty members


Recently, performance appraisal became necessary for faculty members. According to the questionnaire survey by the Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology, the number of questionnaire items on education is on the increase, and performance appraisal is widely used for decisions on allowance and employment. In our college, performance appraisal on education, research, and medical care is used to decide on the size of bonuses. Performance appraisal for faculty members has already come into force in many universities. However, services in medical schools include many different aspects, and precise quantification of performance appraisal is very difficult. Now, exact evaluation methods and appropriate utilization are necessary for performance appraisal for faculty members.
Key words: performance appraisal, education achievement, allowance, education improvement, questionnaire

* 兵庫医科大学医学教育センター,Medical Education Center, Hyogo College of Medicine
[〒663-8501 西宮市武庫川町1-1]
2.医学部における教育評価の特殊性 -臨床医学の面から-

赤池 雅史*


2. Particularity of educational evaluation in the School of Medicine
-From the viewpoint of clinical medicine-

Masashi AKAIKE*

Recently, the roles of educators in clinical medicine have increased and diversified, such as lecturers, preceptors in clinical settings, tutors or small-group leaders or facilitators, and educational administrators. In such a situation, clinical faculties are fulfilling their missions as clinical educators, researchers, and clinicians through systematically sharing educational duties with other faculties. A system to evaluate educational achievements is needed that corresponds to the various affairs of faculties and complicated implementation system in clinical medical education. In addition, novel methods that can be used to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate educational achievements should be established as well as achievements of research and medical care.
Key words: Educational evaluation, Clinical medicine, School of medicine

* 徳島大学大学院医歯薬学研究部医療教育学分野,Department of Medical Education, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Tokushima University
[〒770-8503 徳島市蔵本町3丁目18-15]
3. 学外病院における臨床実習教育に対する評価

白鳥 正典*1 亀田 優美*1,2 苗代 康可*1 赤坂 憲*1 高橋 弘毅*2 相馬 仁*1


3. Evaluation of the education for clinical clerkship in hospitals outside the university, based on field surveys including the awareness of incentives for clinical education.

Masanori SHIRATORI*1 Masami KAMEDA*1,2 Yasuyoshi NAISHIRO*1
Hiroshi AKASAKA*1 Hiroki TAKAHASHI*2 Hitoshi SOHMA*1

Objective: To inquire about how evaluation of physician supervisors is performed, and whether or not incentives to guide comprehensive community-based clinical clerkship for them are provided, in hospitals outside Sapporo Medical University.
Methods: We conducted field surveys using questionnaires distributed to physician supervisors and hospital directors, focusing on the evaluation of physician supervisors and whether they are provided with incentives. From the survey, we examined the attitude toward educational awareness of the physician supervisors.
Results: The number of hospitals where evaluations for physician supervisors were performed and incentives were provided was limited. In addition, 54.2% of the physician supervisors responded that incentives were unnecessary. Many of them considered that incentives for a hospital are more preferable than for individual supervisors.
Conclusion: These results suggest that with respect to community-based clinical clerkship outside the university, an appropriate method for providing incentives, including whether or not they are necessary, should be considered.
Key words: hospitals outside the university, clinical clerkship, evaluation for education, incentive

*1 札幌医科大学医療人育成センター教育開発研究部門,Department of Educational Development, Sapporo Medical University Center for Medical Education
[〒060-8556 札幌市中央区南1条西17丁目]
*2 札幌医科大学医学部呼吸器・アレルギー内科学講座,Department of Respiratory Medicine and Allergology, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine

川邊 哲也*1 羽野 卓三*1 相馬 仁*2 鈴木 敬一郎*3
赤池 雅史*4 小林 直人*5 大槻 眞嗣*6 鈴木 利哉*7 奈良 信雄*8


4. Investigation of educational achievements of medical department faculties and healthcare providers using a rating form to evaluate medical education performance
Tetsuya KAWABE*1 Takuzo HANO*1 Hitoshi SOHMA*2 Keiichiro SUZUKI*3
Masashi AKAIKE*4 Naoto KOBAYASHI*5 Masatsugu OHTSUKI*6 Toshiya SUZUKI*7 Nobuo NARA*8

Introduction: Compared with faculties in clinical and medical research departments, those in medical departments are not appropriately evaluated in terms of their contributions to or achievements in medical education. Therefore, the aims of this study were to investigate the contributions of medical department faculties to medical education, and to examine differences in contributions according to duty positions and specialties.
Methods: Five-grade self-assessments in relation to 20 items on a rating form for performance in medical education, which was developed by the Japan Society for Medical Education’s Committee for Performance Evaluation, were carried out by medical department faculties in Japanese universities. The data were then totalized and analyzed.
Results and Discussion: Although faculties belonging to departments other than medical education units did not actively participate in examinations or the education system, they still made contributions to lectures and practice. In addition, faculties with positions with more duties tended to show greater participation in the education system.
Conclusion: Based on these findings, we recommend the use of a rating form as a standard scale to evaluate performance in medical education.
Key words: self-assessment, performance investigation, educational contribution, rating form

*1 和歌山県立医科大学教育研究開発センター, Center for Educational Research and Development, Wakayama Medical University
[〒641-8509 和歌山市紀三井寺811-1]
*2 札幌医科大学医療人育成センター教育研究開発部門, Department of Educational Development, Sapporo Medical University Center for Medical Education
*3 兵庫医科大学医学教育センター, Medical Education Center, Hyogo College of Medicine
*4 徳島大学大学院医歯薬学研究部医療教育学, Department of Medical Education, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Tokushima University Graduate School
*5 愛媛大学医学部総合医学教育センター, Medical Education Center, Ehime University School of Medicine
*6 藤田保健衛生大学医学部医学教育企画室, Planning Office for Medical Education, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
*7 新潟大学医学部総合医学教育センター医学教育推進部門, Comprehensive Medical Education Center, Division of Medical Education, School of Medicine, Niigata University
*8 順天堂大学医学教育研究室,Division of Medical Education, Juntendo University

皆本 晃弥*


5. Evaluation of Teaching Performance Using Teaching Portfolio


In December 2008, the Central Council for Education submitted a report entitled: “Towards the enhancement of undergraduate education.” In this report, the “Teaching Portfolio” appeared as a versatile aid to evaluate teaching. Since then, the number of teaching staff who write their teaching portfolio has been increasing annually in Japan, and it has gained recognition as an effective instrument for improving and visualizing teaching performance. However, there is very little emphasis on teaching evaluation using teaching portfolios. This paper introduces the teaching portfolio and describes how it aids teaching evaluation.
Keywords: teaching portfolio, teaching evaluation, teaching improvement, visualizing

* 佐賀大学大学院工学系研究科知能情報システム学専攻,Department of Information Science, Saga University
[〒840-8502 佐賀県佐賀市本庄町1番地]

奈良 信雄*


6. Assessment of Faculty Activity and Development in the Accreditation Standards for Medical Education in the World

Nobuo NARA*

Accreditation for medical education has been introduced in several countries to ensure and improve the quality of education programs in medical schools. In the standards for accreditation, the assessment of faculty activity and development is described as important to improve medical education. The balance of teaching, research, and service functions is considered in the assessment. The results of the appraisal are reflected in the faculty's appointments, promotions, and compensation increases in many countries.
Key Words: Quality assurance of medical education, accreditation for medical education, assessment of faculty activity and development

* 順天堂大学医学教育研究室,Division of Medical Education, Juntendo University
[〒113-8421 文京区本郷2丁目1番1号]

日高 優*


The influences of experiences of postgraduate education on senior nurses' consciousness


The purpose of the present study was to examine the influences of experiences of postgraduate education on senior nurses’ consciousness. Senior nurses (N=844) completed a questionnaire developed on the basis of previous studies. Factor analysis yielded the following 3 factors: affirmative consciousness of new graduate nurses,negative consciousness of new graduate nurses and affirmative consciousness of postgraduate education. There results suggest that experience as a preceptor and training for preceptorship influenced not only the affirmative consciousness of new graduate nurses and postgraduate education but also negative consciousness of new graduate nurses.It was suggested that it is necessary to investigate problems in the current postgraduate education.
Keywords: postgraduate education, senior nurse, consciousness, scale

* 岡山大学大学院保健学研究科,Graduate School Of Health Sciences,Okayama University
[〒700-8558 岡山県岡山市北区鹿田町2-5-1]

片岡 仁美*1,3,5 関 明穂*2 川畑 智子*3 勅使川原 早苗*1,3 岩瀬 敏秀*4 小比賀 美香子*5 大西 弘高*6


Survey on female physicians' life events and career support

Hitomi Usui KATAOKA*1 Akiho SEKI*2 Tomoko KAWABATA*3
Sanae TESHIGAWARA*3 Toshihide IWASE*4 Mikako OBIKA*5 Hirotaka ONISHI*6

Introduction: In Japan, the number of female physicians is increasing rapidly. The importance of education focused on career development and the work-life balance is increasingly being recognized.
Methods: In February 2008, we sent a questionnaire regarding the working status and life events to 1,374 female physicians who graduated from Okayama University
Medical School or who were working at university-affiliated hospitals and facilities at the time of the investigation.
Results: Of the 376 respondents(26.8% response rate), we analyzed 360 respondents whose specialty is clinical medicine. Among them, 75.9%(n=269)of female physicians
have partners, 70.2%(n=233)have children, and most of the female physicians experience these life events from age of 25-29 years. Although 82.1%(n=216)regarded the timing of their marriage as appropriate, 65.2%(n=144)regarded it as appropriate about having first child. Of the 174 respondents who returned to
clinical work, 32.2%(n=56)returned to the same position as a full-time worker, and
27.6%(n=48)changed their position from full-time to part-time. Important factors to return to work easily, understanding from their supervisors, support from their family, and an appropriate amount of work were the top three reasons.
Discussion: It is important to educate medical students about career development based on the life stage and work-life balance for gender equality in medicine.
Key words: female physicians, life events, career support, returning to work

*1 岡山大学大学院医歯薬総合研究科地域医療人材育成講座,Department of Primary Care and Medical Education, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
[〒700-8558 岡山市北区鹿田町2-5-1 ] 
*2 岡山県健康づくり財団,Okayama Health Foundation, Okayama, Japan
*3 岡山大学大学院医歯薬総合研究科医療人キャリアセンター,Career Center for Medical and Health care professionals, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
*4 岡山県地域医療支援センター岡山大学支部,Center for Medical Cooperation, Human Resources Placement and Career Promotion of Okayama Prefecture
*5 岡山大学病院卒後臨床研修センター,Center for Graduate Medical Education, Okayama University Hospital
*6 東京大学大学院医学系研究科医学教育国際研究センター,International Research Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Hybrid Educational Activities between TBL And PBL Program (HEAT APP) for Cambodian Medical Students and Postgraduate Trainees.
A Novel Approach in an Asian Setting.

Kentaro IWATA*

Cooperative, active learning such as Problem-Based Learning, or PBL, and Team-Based Learning, or TBL, is gaining popularity in medical education in Asian countries. Cambodia has been exposed to few, if any, such educational methodologies. Here, the author conducted a week of Hybrid Educational Activities between TBL And PBL Program (HEAT APP) with Cambodian medical students and postgraduate trainees. Further practices and studies will clarify the real value in this specific setting.
Key Words: HEAT APP, TBL, PBL, Medical Education

*Division of Infectious Diseases, Kobe University School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan.
[Kusunokicho 7-5-2, Chuoku, Kobe]

馬場 幸子*1 森 正樹*1,2 森井 英一*3 磯 博康*4


Promotion of international relations by a short-term program for international students

Sachiko BABA*1  Masaki MORI*1,2 Eiichi MORII*3 Hiroyasu ISO*4

Background: The center for international relations was established in 2007 and it has organized a program for accepting international students for short periods since 2009 to enhance internationalization at the medical school.
Methods: The number of inbound and outbound students, and the number of overseas medical schools with an Academic Agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding with our institution from 2008 to 2013 were counted, and the relevant achievements were evaluated.
Results:The number of inbound students increased from 0 in 2008 to 14 in 2013, and the number of outbound students also increased from 1 in 2008 to 12 in 2013. The number of overseas medical schools with an Academic Agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding also increased from 1 to 3. The number of scholarship applications to go overseas also increased from 2 to 12.
Discussion:Organizing a well-established program for inbound students probably contributed to developing the international environment within the school for both inbound and outbound students, and to enhancing discussion of student exchange with potential partner universities. The center for international relations has functioned as a hub for the students and relevant departments by centralizing information, which has markedly communication improved.
Key words: international relations, international student, student exchange

*1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科医学科国際交流センター,Center for International Relations , Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
*2 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科外科学,Department of Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
*3 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科病理学,大阪大学大学院医学系研究科副研究科長(教育・国際交流担当),Department of Pathology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
*4 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科社会医学,大阪大学大学院医学系研究科前副研究科長(教育・国際交流担当),Department of Social Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine


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一般社団法人 日本医学教育評価機構(JACME)