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JSME President
Hiroshi Nishigori, MD, MMEd, PhD, FAMEE
Professor, Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
Hiroshi Nishigori, MD, MMEd, PhD, FAMEE
Professor, Center for Medical Education, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
Our aims
The Japan Society for Medical Education aims to foster cutting edge research in health professions education and to disseminate the results. We seek the advancement of medical education in Japan through nurturing future leaders, promoting a culture of research and embracing international collaboration.
The society at a glance
Members of the society as of February, 2024
Individual members: about 2,600
Institutional members (universities 83, hospitals 147, others 5): 238
Supporting members (corporations): 12
Society activities
- Annual conference
- Presentation of the ‘Awards for Academic Excellence’ in medical education
- Publication of ‘Medical Education’, the journal of the Japan Society for Medical Education
- Publication of the ‘Medical Education White Paper' every four years
- Provision of workshops and seminars in medical education
- Oversight of the work of the Japan Society for Medical Education committees in furthering the society mission
- Collaboration and cooperation with the medical education units of medical establishments, medical groups and medical associations