第31回 東京大学医学教育セミナー

日 時 2月23日(水) 18:00〜19:30
場 所 東京大学医学部図書館3階 333会議室
講 師 ゴミンダ・ポナンペルマ
スリランカ コロンボ大学医学部 医学教育開発研究センター 上級講師 
演 題 In Pursuit of the Ideal Mix: the Medical Undergraduate Curriculum of Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
概 要 Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka is the second oldest medical school in South East Asia. For the most part of its 140-year history, the curriculum has been discipline-based, with didactic lectures being the predominant teaching and learning method. This was changed in a major curriculum reform in 1995. The traditional, discipline-based curriculum was converted to a horizontally and vertically integrated curriculum with the introduction of course modules based on body systems.
The curriculum was organised into five streams: introductory basic sciences stream; applied sciences stream; clinical sciences stream; community stream; and behavioural sciences stream. The largely teacher-centred lectures paved way to the more student-centred small group discussions and problem-based learning. The curriculum resulted in greater student participation in active learning, and learning in context. Also the students were offered opportunities to hone their skills in hither to less addressed aspects such as communication skills, research skills, ethics, attitudes and professionalism.
Both the organisation and implementation of teaching / learning and assessment methods in the curriculum constituted a paradigm shift in many ways. Both the students and the teachers had to learn new skills and educational techniques such as problem-based learning. The organisation of the curriculum meant that the teachers were no longer responsible for individual subjects. Rather all the teachers taught in the entire curriculum. The curriculum successfully overcame these initial hurdles.
However, the curriculum as it stands today is not without challenges. The streams that were developed to integrate the curriculum tend to function in isolation rather than in conjunction. The assessment needs to be streamlined more to achieve inter-stream integration and to reflect the curriculum outcomes in general. Hence, measures such as integrating the streams by using inter-stream activities, reorganising and integrating the assessment system, and the introduction of workplace-based assessment to counter the above challenges are currently being explored. How ideally these measures can be introduced and maintained to strike the ideal mix of educational strategies will be discussed during the session.

錦織 ・ 三浦
E-mail: ircme-lec@m.u-tokyo.ac.jp